It's Friday, folks
Whether or not you've watched the BSG miniseries this past week, feel free to join in! Everyone who expressed interest is rewatching, so there will be spoilers for the rest of the series in both this post and the comments.
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Yeah, I enjoyed the way Billy and Laura played off each other. I keep thinking of the scene where she asks if he's all right and he mentions that his parents had just moved to Picon, but Laura's called away and for a long moment she stands there, looking like she's caught between oh, Billy, I am so sorry and You're going to be okay for me right? I need you to be okay.
I had a vested interest in Starbuck going in, so I'm not sure this is a fair question, nor can I say the miniseries made me warm up to her a whole lot.
I like Starbuck's role in the miniseries, but it wasn't what sold me on her.
But I have to say that at the very beginning, I felt... not bad for the guy waiting for the Cylons to not show up, but boy, is that scene so well done. All the little touches: the pictures of his family on the desk, the way his stark military presence crumbles absolutely completely, the way Six takes him by surprise.
The opening sequence is pretty effective. I wouldn't mind seeing the time-lapse they were originaly shooting for there, but I like what they kept. At least that guy basically got to go out with a kiss; a lot of people weren't that lucky.
I was surprised the first time through that Doral really was a Cylon, mostly because I had an immediate and intense dislike for Gaius and wanted (throughout the entire series) to see him fail miserably.
Yeah, that's not far off from how I felt.
First, it made us question Tigh's empathy factor, and second, it showed Bill's unwavering trust in his XO. The way Chief's plea for a kinder solution is meant to tug at our heartstrings, but it reinforced in a wholesale kind of way that war is an entire series of tough decisions, one after another.
Right. I thought that whole bit surrounding Tigh's decision was really well done. It was a great dilemna (from, you know, a plot point of view), everybody had a legitimate stance, and they all played their roles perfectly.
On an emotional level, Bill hugging Lee and Lee returning the hug might have been the actual toughest decision made in the show.
Heh, it did look like it, didn't it? I can think of any number of things Lee wouldn't have hesitated to do -- just check out the next episode! -- but he really struggled with that.
Oh, those Adamas. The Lee relationship I'm most interested in has always been the strained one with his dad.
I wonder how far in advance they knew about each piece of the past we got to see in the finale. You know I wasn't wild the Starbuck-Zak-Lee flashback, but there were some ways in which I thought it made sense. With a little more insight into Zak's and Lee's relationship somewhere down the line, maybe it could have worked better for me.
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