Club Envy (Prequel)

Apr 19, 2011 20:41

Title: Club Envy (Prequel)
Pairings: JongHo, sibling!JongKey, Sibling!OnTae, OnKey, Boa/Yunho, onesided! Changmin/Yunho, ninja!YunJae
Rating: R
Warning: disturbing ideas, language, suggestiveness, smut
Disclaimer: SM threatened that they would file a restraining order on me if I tried to kidnap SHINee another time, but I DO own this story
Summary: The Kim family has been in hiding for as long as Jonghyun could remember. He and his brother Kibum had no clue why, but they learned not to asked questions ever since "The Incident" involving an abandoned warehouse and a lot of rope.  Their lives revolve around secret meetings, hushed conversations, and a supposedly evil group of people called "The Envied".  One day, when Jonghyun and Kibum come home from school, they find their parents murdered.  They are faced with confusing questions that they're not sure they want the answer to. Who did this? What did they want? Are they after the boys, too?


"Quick, baby, we have to get the boys," said the man hurrying his wife along with her packing.  It was around two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun shone brilliantly in the sky, but it was dark in the Kims' master bedroom.  The blinds were shut and the curtains were drawn so tightly that the rays of the sun didn't shine through at all.  The woman was in her son's room collecting his essential things and putting them into a small tote bag.

"But, Yunho, I need to make sure I remember everything!  Jjongie will be so upset if we forget his special necklace," she said pouting slightly and rummaging through the  miscellaneous trinkets on the crowded dresser.  Yunho sighed and brought a hand to his face dramatically.

"Boa, please calm down.  It should be his responsibility to keep it safe," he said helping his wife look through the clutter.  "Damn, that boy is too careless for his own good.  Kibum wears his to school every day.  Why can't he do the same thing?"  Boa rolled her heavily lined eyes and smiled to herself.  Her husband just didn't get Jonghyun like she did.

"Found it!"

She snatched the shiny silver chain from underneath one of the many playboy magazines that seemed to always show up no matter how many times she got rid of them.  She shook her head disapprovingly and ran back into the master bedroom, throwing random bits of her clothing into another bag. Suddenly, her husband gasped in pain, gripping the black tattoo of  Poseidon's trident that stretched from his wrist to his elbow.  In a matter of seconds, the boa constrictor drawn coiling around Boa's arm clenched in pain.  A lightening bolt shot from her wrist until her whole arm went numb.

"He's so close," she whimpered through the mind numbing pain.

"We need to go... NOW!"  Yunho exclaimed sucking in a breath and piling the three bags over his shoulder with a little effort.  The couple ran downstairs and into the living room only to stop short instantly.  There he was, standing right in the middle of the room smiling grimly at them and pressing his fingers to his own tattoo of a lightening bolt reaching across his exposed, well-defined abs.

"Hello U-Know... Angel.  It's been too long," he said his beautiful mouth curling into an irresistible smirk.  Boa growled, clenching her fingers around the necklace in her hand.  The man chuckled amused.

"If you touch us, Max, I swear you will regret it," Yunho stated confidently and authoritatively even though he knew there was no way they were going to get out of it this time.  Max just shook his head sadly.

"You really believe that, U-Know? I've been trying to kill you two for twenty years. I won't regret a thing," he sing-songed stepping closer. He took a gun from behind his back and pointed it at Boa.  "If you want to, I'll kill her first. You want to prolong your suffering or hers?  Pick and choose."

Desperately, Yunho tried the only way that he could think of to reason with Max.

"Changminnie," he said softly walking closer until he passed the gun and their lips were an inch apart, "do you really want to do this?  You love me don't you? You don't really want to kill me."  Max shivered involuntarily at the other's warm breath on his lips. Stupidly, he looked into the eyes of the man he once loved and still loved hoping that maybe just once he could love him back.  Quickly he snapped out of the trance and flared his nostrils determinedly.  That would never happen. Yunho had always loved Jae over him... that is before he was murdered.  And now he loves Angel. They were married for God's sake. He would never love him, so what's the point?  With a quick glance over Yunho's shoulder at the woman he longed to switch lives with, he made his choice.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way..." Max said shakily tears forming in his eyes.  Then there were gunshots.  The loud booms rang through the now silent house, echoing ominously.  Max looked down at what he had done and bite his lip hard to keep from screaming.  Silently, he sped out the back door and down the block to his car tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.  Once he was safely back in the parking lot at headquarters he broke down into loud sobs.  Why was the only one he would ever love the only one he could never have?


ninja! yunjae, onesided! homin, yunho/boa, angst

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