Desperado (Oneshot)

Apr 11, 2011 20:16

Title: Desperado (Oneshot)
Pairings: broken! JongKey, ninja! MinKey
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: SM threatened that they would file a restraining order on me if I tried to kidnap SHINee another time, but I DO own this story
Warning: This is actually really sad. I was crying when I wrote it... okay (I'm really weird LOL)
Summary: Based on the song Desperado by The Eagles. This song holds so much meaning for me. I love it so much. It reminds me of my dad because it's one of his favorite songs. It has such a valuable message to me and it will never fail to make me tear up.
                    You better let somebody love you,
                    Before it's too late.

Key blinked hard in the pitch blackness of his bedroom, letting his heavy limbs lay themselves into a curled ball on his mattress.  The tears flowed endlessly down his reddened cheeks and dripped onto his bed sheets, staining them.  Normally this would bother him that his perfect belongings he worked so hard to keep up were soiled, but his heart was in too many pieces for his brain to care about anything else. He tried desperately to clear his mind of all the heartbreaking thoughts that were racing through his pounding head.

The small Polaroid lying on the comforter next to him sat there teasing and taunting him until he couldn't take it anymore.  In a foggy daze of stupidity he reached for the photo and stared sadly at the happy scene. He and Jonghyun were hugging each other tightly and making funny faces at the camera. It was a picture from Jonghyun's birthday party a few weeks ago. A blissfully playful picture that made Key lose his control, his heart aching in the worst way. He let out a low sob, throwing it onto the floor and wrapped his arms tightly around himself so he wouldn't break apart.

He was so stupid for letting Jonghyun go. He was so stupid for letting his fear of getting hurt overpower his feelings for the boy he loved. In the end, he ended up being hurt an infinite amount more than he could have ever thought possible.  He tried not to remember his pleading eyes. Eyes that begged him to love them back. Eyes that at last had turned away from him, defeated.

Jonghyun had given up on him. That's what stung the most. The reality of it came crashing down on his heart in waves each worse than the one before. They choked him, suffocated him, pulled him under their tide. They knocked him down to the ground, scraping his skin against the rough sand.  He kept waiting and waiting to break through the surface and feel air in his lungs and the sun on his face but it never came. He kept tumbling with the current of emotions he had carefully repressed in Jonghyun's presence without a hope of ever being able to break free.

Slowly, he felt his thoughts go back to the conversation he had just had a few minutes ago.  The conversation that made him lose all hope in the world.

"I asked her out, Key..." Jonghyun had said cautiously looking for his reaction.

Too shocked to say anything Key froze, staring at his best friend's serious expression.

"Key... she said yes... What are you thinking?" he persisted. Didn't he know that Key didn't WANT to tell him what he was thinking? Didn't he know how much he loved the stupid dino? Of course not.  Jonghyun would only know if he told him, but he hadn't.  He could never find the courage to take such a big risk with his heart.

"I-I'm thinking..." he stuttered fighting the flood of tears desperately, "t-that you two will be very h-happy together."  That was a lie. A big, fat, horrifyingly see-through lie.  He was shaking so badly holding back the wails his body was trying to set free. Jonghyun didn't seem to notice though, or even worse he didn't seem to care.  It was exactly what he wanted so much to hear. The approval of his best friend of his new relationship status no matter how false it actually was.

"You're the best, you know that?!" Jonghyun said smiling widely and throwing his arms around the taller's neck. "What would I ever do without you? I love you so much!"  Key held on to the warm body of the older boy in his arms feeling the muscles of his back flex underneath his tee shirt.

"I love you, too Jjong," he whispered almost inaudibly.

I love you more than you will ever know.

Then, Jonghyun pulled away and, grinning brightly, ran out the front door to go meet up with his new girlfriend. Key stood there and watched him do these simple things that held such a meaning for him.  He saw it as a symbol of his walking out of the younger's love life forever.  He waited for a second, foolishly hoping the door will open again revealing the blond head he loved so much saying it was all just a joke. It never happened.

That's when Key lost it. An emotional rasping moan forced it's way painfully out of his mouth, his knees giving out.  He was unexpectedly caught by a pair of strong arms before he crashed to the ground.  He couldn't turn around to see who it was, he just let them pick him up bridle style and carry him to his darkened room. When he was placed onto the bed, he looked up gratefully into the big, understanding eyes of Minho. He didn't need to say anything. Minho just nodded and walked out, softly closing the door behind him.

Now, he was a mess. His heart shattered into tiny fragments, their sharp, splintered, edges poking at his sadness and making it more prominent. It was too late. He blew his chances with the one he truly loved because he was too afraid to let Jonghyun love him. And he regretted it deeply.

ninja!minkey, shinee, broken!jongkey, angst, jongkey

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