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Apr 26, 2006 23:20

ok Spring break

Thursday- Laura picked me up from school. and she took me home. n than me and andrea met up and went to Burrito's house. We watched a movie for about an hour. and we walked to Kelly's house. Kelly wanted to go to Danny, So Andrea and Burritto went to the park. me and kelly went to danny we stared walking to dannys and we get half way n we saw him mom was home.so we went back to kennedy. Andrea ran up told me not to go up there cause Joe was there. so i had Joe come over to talk to me. i found out he has a girlfriend i was so upset. i wanted to beat his ass so bad. well i left crying and everyone came running after me. later brent,viktor,pat,burrito,andrea,lupe,josh, were all at kelly's. Brent viktor n pat banded me from playing hacky sack lol. it was all fun. Brent n Viktor went home at 9. Pat n Burrito walked Andrea home. Lupe left at like 10. Pat left when it startted raining. Josh n Jason stayed till about 11.Jason ran away n need a placec to stay. so they were trtying to find a place for him to stay. Josh snuck him into his house.

Friday-i went to burgerking with andrea and than i went to andreas to eat it. than me n her went to burrtios house. we hung out there till i had to go to work.

saturday-me n kelly went to burkerking.we saw andrea so we ran up to her. her friend andy was with her. we went to burrito's house an he ended up going to a party.so we went to Kelly's house. we got bored n walked to Danny's house.Devan,Crow,Danielle, were there. Me,Andy,Andy,Kelly and Crow had leave. Crow went to the park behind there house and got stuck in the tree behind the house. so andy n andy went and got him out. we sat at the park for a few mins.than left. we wen to mr.c's n than me n kelly went to her house. andy n andy went home. Lupe ended up coming to Kelly's. than later Josh Pat n Tim came over along with Burrito. Burrito left so it was just me josh tim n pat. Pat left at like 10:30. n than tim n josh left.

sunday- nothing me n burrito got slurpie together.

monday-i don't remember update later
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