Jul 26, 2005 03:45
...in 6 hours for the airport where my boy will be going back home. I'm going to miss him a lot. Get used to him not being around again. The hardest parts for me about a long distance relationship is the saying hello and saying good-bye. When he came out here this last time it was my 4th time seeing him in person. we had already spent about 3 weeks together and I know him well but everytime I see him walking toward me in the airport it is like the first time meeting him. I get all the good feelings. The happiness, the watering eyes and the light-hearted feeling. But I also have to get used to him being there again. Holding my hand and having someone to put my arm around. It makes me feel awful that I am not used to someone I love so much. Of course that doesn't last long. But after a while the trip has come and gone and it's time for good-bye. Then I see him walking away through the security check and the tears start flowing because I realize I have to get used to him not being there again. No more having him open the car door or running at me for a hug.
Maybe one day I won't have to say good-by anymore though, right? :)
Perhaps during his flight I will post some more con photos and perhaps a couple of Marissa's birthday at Seaworld.
I picked up the application for Barnes and Nobles today with Drew. They didn't hire me over a year ago. But with a year more work experience (especially on the cash register) and the fact that I'm more desperate perhaps I will do better this time around. I would love the job. I was told they do interviews day after tomorrow. If so that is perfect. Drop the application off coming home from the airport and hopefully get called for an interview. Then (also hopefully) start work soon after. If not it's back to the gas station! I really need money if the Anime convention is going to be a possibility. I still have to buy the plane ticket and hotel. Luckily I'm splittin the price of both. Half the ticket will be a birthday present from 3 family members and I'm sharing the hotel. Saves some money for me. These 2 weeks with Drew have wiped me out really quick.