Having read the recent boigraphy on Wallace I discovered Franzen as a great writer. I had previously only thought well of him as along-time friend of Dave.
I suppose I ask because I wonder if you've ever heard of Olie and the Nightingales. In Episode Four, Season One Tommy Tate gets his due at least by one of the lead characters. He was a giant, but nobody remembers the name...or the song "A Little Overcome".
not much, only Season 1, Episode 1 -- though I did get to play an extra on th show a few weeks ago -- a bar scene while th band Trombone Shorty plays. Be on th lookout for th back of my head as th guy who played Bunk in Th Wire has a conversation over drinks @ a circular table ...
(i had no idea that Joelle Van Dyne is supposed t'be a loose base-on Mary Karr. it is not, for me, helpful knowledge as i have traditionally regarded JVD as a great character of fiction, but the *idea* of MK as some kinda shadow/supplement/what-have-you leads me down all sorts of .. dead alleys, as a reader: "oh, the character could have been so much MORE" or "did he not 'get' Mary Karr at all" or - better yet - mebbe he "got" at something in Karr that she is unable/unwilling to reveal about herself. yes, this is the sort of stuff that makes Pynchon's choices about personal disclosure seem all-too-reasonable ..)
Still waiting for this guy's comeback album:
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