Okay, so I keep going Why??? Dunno, pet. Had to see about a girl, I suppose.
In that spirit, here is my clocks-i-fied Drusilla:
Large version and notes under the cut.
Banner #10:
For Dru, I started with an old plate of St. Lucy, complete with a dish of her freshly forked-out eyes. The photo of Juliet I transposed was very large and detailed, making it a bit easier to match-cut the hair and skin. I used a few filters to overlay some dust and speckles and altered Lucy's auburn hair color, but I think I can push these elements a bit more on a second try. I am digging the Lucy plate itself (there are many), and she always stood out in my mind as one of the more gruesome saints in the Catholic pantheon, both for her fate and for the somewhat haunting representation of it as a Renaissance icon. Her tormentors may have blinded her, but she has been given new eyes with which to see.
For the text treatment, I went with parchment texture, gold leaf and a monkish medieval script. Like Kennedy and Willow's banners, I'm not %100 satisfied with this one yet, and think I can push it a few more steps. (EDIT: I decreased some of the shadow on Juliet's face, and added a little blood to the tips of the palms. I feel a little better about this one now)
All banners to date: