Nov 24, 2005 02:16
OK back to the changing the world.I persoanlly think it is possiable.Defiantly not in my lifetime.But someday.Someday it'll be ok.I find that aslong as I do take the advice of Angel my days are better all the time.Pretending to be positive.Never thought of things in a positvie light,never really knew what that meant.But now I"m beginging to see that not everything bad that happens is actaully a bad thing.It can be a good thing.Everything has a good thing.You just have to go the distance to see it.Life is funny.I love life.I can't wait for the reat of it.But I'm taking a slow ride through it.Wanna enjoy all of it.And take time to enjoy it.I know no matter what happens I will find something to lead me on.I like looking back on how far I've come.I like knowing I've been there and I can offer a word of advice or comfort to those I love.I don't mind listening and watching them grow through the same things I have.Makes my heart glow.Anywho's got off subject.Back to my halluncinations.World peace.I'm a firm believer in karma.What you give out comes back.So if I'm nice to someone and it eventually comes back on me,I have no way of knowing how many people that urger went through to get back to me.So I may have just caused 100 people to be nice.Just think if more people did that.Everyday if more people would start to comtinue this one day eventually everyone will be nice to everyone at the same time!It is possiable.I will never see it in 90 lifetimes,but it's the thought.I am tired of typing right now.And if I don't stop I will never keep on subject.I will prolly edit thjis later for spelling and such.