(no subject)

Aug 30, 2016 12:13

Hello there, it's been awhile. Not much, how 'bout you...

In other news, I have reached my breaking point with most social and mainstream media. I can't process any more vile, unsheathed hatred of everything and everyone.

As history goes, this is just an uncomfortable time of uncertainty. It will shake out, humanity (such as it is) will survive, and the planet will continue to turn on its axis.

Where have you gone, Marshall McLuhan? The medium - 'open' channels for instant, relentless, reactive commentary predominantly without knowledge or basis beyond whichever way anyone's amygdala is slithering - is the message.

If we are but players on this stage, then I ain't playing. I'm happy to draw the curtain, tho. So here I come to fandom again, where it used to be fun and fanciful and sexy and gorgeous and completely imaginary. Dangerous only to the point where my partner hides the remote after too many binge-watches of whatever it is that soothes me: Supernatural, Miranda, The Great British Bake Off. Troublesome only when I start talking about Dean and Castiel in my sleep or answering questions in Miranda Hart-ese.

I desperately want to cocoon myself in a world of fan fiction and squee as a way to ease the absolute terror in my heart. I'm trying so hard not to do the "old bat next door" routine, always finger wagging that "the world has changed, and things were so much better when I..."

Truth is, today's world is better than the one I grew up in. It's worse in some ways, but it is remarkably better for me, at least, with my dewy white skin and the privilege it affords me. Advanced technology is just one reason why. Millennials are another - as an old, badass cranky woman boomer, let me tell you -- these kids won't just rock the world, they will save it. They are marvelous creatures that don't deserve the financial ruin my generation left them in. They are passionate, whip smart, idealistic, beautifully flawed and so sick of our bullshit that it warms the cockles of my shriveled-up walnut of a heart.

There's plenty of reason for hope. But for me, I can't nurture that flicker as long as I'm glued to mainstream media. And that means not just the content aggregating sites, but Facebook, twitter, reddit...ugh. I'll chill here. And on Instagram (oceannietoo - please come friend me and I'll friend you.) and Tumblr (Lostakasha over there.).

Is there anybody out there...?

tumblr, the road so far

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