Apr 04, 2011 00:08
The weather has been amazing the past few days... THUNDERSTORMS THUNDERSTORMS THUNDERSTORMSSSSS!! I should really start taking my camera with me. Hmph. Because yesterday was aldjflajfa It looked so awesome. And right now it's asfdljslkf I CANT EVEN FORM WORDS
Soooooo Fallout 3 GOTY is on sale FINALLY. We're going to be picking it up sometime this week. I haven't beaten F.E.A.R or The Saboteur yet, and Alex wants to trade those in to get some $$ (lol like, what $1??) to put towards FO3. He bet me I couldn't beat them by the weekend and I was like, how hard could it be? IT'S ON!!!!
Well, now I know why I stopped playing The Saboteur in the first place :\ I want to love it. I really do. It's set in (German-occupied France in) WW2 which, if I haven't made this abundantly clear, is one of my favorite time periods in history. You run around as this Irish guy Sean who is in the killin' Nazi business to avenge the death of his friend-who's-like-a-brother, Jules. You get to drive cool old cars that play old music. AND. PERHAPS MY FAVORITE THING: When you're in Nazi-heavy areas, everything is black and white except for all the Nazi-things, which are in red (and the resistance things which are blue, apparently? I guess I haven't played enough to notice this.) And when you beat back the Nazis in a b&w area it turns to color. *MIND BLOWN* It's fucking cool.
BUT. I cannot stand the fucking controls. Not that I'm very good at racing games to begin with, but WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE CARS? Alex is like, "Well, they're older cars." FAKLFJS SO?!?! I cannot fucking drive these cars without running a million people over, and half the time those people are Nazis and THERE GOES MY NOTORIETY METER, OFF THE FUCKING CHARTS!
Assassin's Creed is so much better at climbing up shit and running on rooftops, BEING STEALTHY IN GENERAL. Why can't you be Assassin's Creed, game? I can't stand it. And the Nazis are SO RIDICULOUSLY SUSPICIOUS! It is so frustrating. I can't even walk down the damn street. Some guy in the black market sold a bottle of wine to a Nazi and you have to go get it back before he opens it... Is there supposed to be a stealthy way to get this? Or am I missing the point of this fucking game? That might be it. Sean is not stealthy but then what's the point of even trying if I just have to barge in everywhere anyway??
AND THE ACCENTS. Omg the German Bad Guy cannot be serious. I don't even know his name, but I call him Klaus because HE SOUNDS LIKE THE FISH ON AMERICAN DAD. Sean's is the worst fake Irish I have ever heard. Idk if the French ones are authentic or not, but seriously, they can't be. And that ugly blond girl(Skylar)? Give me a fucking break! It's like they told the VAs to sound as ridiculous and stereotypical as possible. >:|
I don't think I'm going to finish it. I think about the plot and go *GRABBY HANDS* but think about gameplay and :|||
In other, more Dragon Age themed news...
I was really jonesin' for my rogue, so I turned off the autosave and decided to replay through the end of the game. I finally got the Florence + the Machine song to play!!! asl;fja "I'm Not Calling You A Liar" is one of my least favorite songs on Lungs so I wasn't terribly excited in the first place BUT it is sooooo much better in the credits. UNF.
And then I decided to make another rogue, but a guy this time because I'm not really satisfied with my current m!Hawke. He's such an asshole and I don't like being around him, lol. I spent like, 45 minutes in the character creator and then had the brilliant idea to play this round on Nightmare.
I was not prepared for this. I died in like, 2 minutes? Maybe? I didn't even make it past the first wave of darkspawn (after Varric's exaggerated beginning, I mean.) And then I realized... I turned autosave off earlier, so there was nothing to reload. :| :| :| A tantrum was thrown. SIGH. I don't want to go through the character creator again. Not like I'll remember what this guy looked like anyway, but it's just a pain in the ass to get it *just right* and then have to re-do it. :|
dragon age,
video games