Sep 03, 2009 03:32

I have a small to medium-sized favor to ask of everyone...

I don't know if you all know or not, but I'm a Mark. Representative, and every once in awhile Mark. does these Dream Trip kind of things or whatever. Well, this current one is a trip to MOTHERFUCKING SUNDANCE. AND I REALLY KIND OF WANT TO GO.

They're picking the three reps who sell the most in between 8/18 and 12/7, and I'm already a little behind because I haven't been paying attention and just fucking found out about this! I don't know if I'll even come anywhere close, but I have to at least try.

And so I'm kind of putting the word out there. I don't want to like, pressure you to buy anything, but if you want/need makeup or anything, I'm here ;) And if you know anyone else anywhere who might be interested in buying something, totally let them know, because I really fucking wanna go to Sundance, lol.

Here's the link to my 'store', if anyone is interested. Just click "shop". ;)

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