Apr 28, 2007 01:37
where to begin, where to begin.
wow. this is hard. staring at the keyboard thinking
"so where should i begin this time around?"
i stopped writing for reasons unknown.
maybe laziness is the big one?
whatever. that doesn't matter.
from the last time my fingers went to tell a tall tale, was ages ago.
and now that i have some time to sit and stare a blank wall
i decided to maybe write in lj to let some emotions free.
just where to start.......
how about the middle?
sounds fair to me.
i've learned a lot in such a small amount of time.
things were going good; really good.
now i feel as though i hit that pretty, red, brick wall.
and it's laughing in my face.
Good Things made this ludicrous rule about not staying around for too long;
only until it's time for the Bad Things to come out and play.
one week, is all it took.
a couple days and that was that.
Dreams down the drain, as i stand there watching them, with tears in my eyes.
Bills like a swarm of bees, i'm sorry government, i don't have a lot of president heads in my wallet.
Work; i'm not good enough; well then stone me if you will.
Opposite Sex, don't cross that ten ft mark.
can someone just hand me a new simpler life? please? anyone.....
i didn't get it at first.
i woke up in the middle of the night.
an hour into a nightmare.
heart racing, usual. panicking, normal.
the dream was odd. strange from the beginning.
but what intrigued me the most, was the end.
and how true it became only days later....
i would tell you the whole dream but that would take up to much space
i don't think my wrists need the extra work.
so i'll hit straight to the end.
i was leaving someones house, after a huge brawl.
upset and in a hurry i believe were the emotions i had currently in my dream.
and as i was driving i came to a sharp curve in the road.
i couldn't slow down enough in time.
[at the end of this curve was a tunnel and a wall on the side....]
i didn't make that curve all the way.
instead of smashing into the wall..
i fell.
as i fell, gaining speed.....faster and faster i was getting more nervous by the millisecond.
i started to think to myself
"this is it? this is really it? what have i done with my life? i never got to acheive those goals? why not?"
i was confused more about why i was dying than falling to my death.
then i awoke.
from then on....
things haven't been the same.