Question regarding all the Lost sites/promotions

May 04, 2006 16:06

I opened my Live Journal today and was innundated with posts regarding the Hanso web site, and the phone number and the advertisement and the book.

The whole thing got me to thinking ... What of us who have dial-up and can't readily access all the wierd and wonderful official web sites, or have no desire to pick up the book(s), or can't call the numbers (because it's only free in the US)? Will those of us in these situations end up missing out? Or do you think that the show's creators will be able to keep the show fresh for those of us who don't, or can't, go for the "gimmicks".

I'm also curious about these potential new characters (I haven't seen the last ep, so I don't know what's what)? Traditionally, when a new character is introduced it's because the program has "jumped the shark", meaning that the show is doing something desperate to boost ratings. I'm wondering if Lost can keep up the pace, or if they are in danger of "jumping the shark" with new characters and loads of "gimmicks"?

I just thought I'd put that out there for discussion.

lost experience, hanso foundation web site

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