Okay, since I failed at my last prompt. For
jjpor, in lieu of Bambera/Ancelyn (for the moment at least), will you accept Docherty's exit?
January 1984
Colonel Crichton left his office, poking his head round the dividing door. “Docherty?”
The phone receiver was lying on the desk, but no one was there.
He headed out into the corridor, finding Leonards there, out of breath. “Corporal?”
“The Gelathion got in, sir!”
Crichton glanced back into the room with a familiar sinking feeling. “Damn.”
They heard a shot, then; setting off towards it, but the Sergeant reappeared, covered in orange slime.
“Doherty,” said Crichton, refraining from glancing at Leonards. “You all right, man?”
He nodded. “Fine, sir, except -.”
“I’ve made up my mind - I’m definitely leaving.”
I think I've just lost any drabble-writing skills I had now.