Image of the Fendahl picspam

Feb 06, 2010 21:54

Courtesy of my new ability to get screenshots. (You're all going to get fed up with me very quickly now, I tell you... I started out just wanting Leela pics and a Colby icon, but it was much too easy to press the button when people were looking pretty). So: pictures of skulls, sceptical scientists, superstitious old ladies, dodgy men in white coats and Leela preening in the TARDIS:

(Spoilers for Image of the Fendahl beneath cut, obviously).

The cause of all the trouble:

This is Leakey. I am so evil; I killed this dog in my fic... 8-o

Stael (Scott Fredericks): "I don't think I could be a more obvious villain."

Thea Ransome (Wanda Ventham. Or Wendy Doomed or something...)

"Adam, Adam..." (It's either blackmail or shippiness. Not that there would be any of thart sort of thing in Classic Who. Erm...)

The men in white will take you away... (Stael and Fendelman order Hartman to bring his men down. It's a Torchwood conspiracy, I say! Or possibly more non-existent shippiness.)

Our feisty heroine, Mrs Martha Tyler. (I think RTD may have seen this ep.)

The Doctor arrives with cheerful news: "Thea's doomed! We're all doomed!"

Thea has a headache. Yep, doomed...

Sorry, I was so determined to avoid the one Image pic everywhere, that this is the best Thea/Colby I got. (Oh, sorry. No, no shippiness going on in this ep...)

"We're trapped here..."

Prf. Adam Colby, the most sceptical scientist ever to survive an episode of Classic Who. (Behaviour like this normally gets you punished or dead, or turned into something very nasty.)

This serial isn't in the least bit shippy at all. Ever. Leela/Doctor? Never!

And Max ties Colby to a pillar and wants him to worship him. What is it with this ep? Meanwhile, Thea is finally doomed (and Wanda Ventham makes up for missing out on Goldfinger).

Leela and John. Or Jack. (No shippiness here, because she prefers clever but hapless sorts who have TARDISes or get themselves tied to pillars or whatever it is this week.)

Leela (I said I was after a Colby icon and Leela pics...)

Hiding under the table. Best idea anyone had all day.

fourth doctor, adam colby, leela, picspam, mrs tyler

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