Christmas Fic! UNIT: The Great Mince Pie Mystery

Dec 01, 2009 18:30

Title: UNIT: The Great Mince Pie Mystery
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 6033
Characters: Colonel Crichton, Sarah Jane Smith, K9, Winifred Bambera, Other

Summary:December 1984: Colonel Crichton is trying to see Sarah Jane and K9 off the premises; elsewhere some vicious little aliens are causing trouble - and they'll eat anything from mince pies to members of staff. It must be Christmas.

A few notes - don't worry, despite being another 1980s UNIT story, it's set earlier and is a standalone bit of nonsense. (For those who have been reading, it does give us the chance to meet another one of the Doctor's successors...)

And since it was set in December 1984 and it seemed wrong not to refer to Band Aid, I... Well, it then seemed good to me to put in references to as many Christmas songs as I could. (Or: It Seemed Funny At The Time).

So, a competition: whoever spots the most songs gets to give me a prompt & I'll write a ficlet or short story over the festive period. Pm me here or via Teaspoon with your answers and prompt and we'll see what happens. (This seems really egotistical, but I think as soon as I say there are refs to songs, some people will look for them & all I can do to make it up to them online is to offer fic. I can't even do icons).

If you want to, pm me by Dec 19th with yr answers & prompt or two &, (given the fact that there won't be a lot of takers), you'll be in with a good chance. Obviously, no adult-rated, graphic prompts (you won't get them and you wouldn't like them if you did) and, sadly, slashy stuff is not my thing either. It doesn't have to be Doctor Who. (I wrote a list of things I will try here, for a meme). I imagine I'd write it rough while I'm home and type it up after I get back, so it would appear around New Year. No one will know who won till then. Most of the quotes/refs are so obvious I might as well have hung tinsel round them, but some are more obscure. Count this 'comp' as my apology. (Christmas stories should be more dark night, candlelight and starlight and hope, but I fail yet again.)

It's an offer and if no one does pm I shall pretend someone does and I'm emailing the fic to them, la la la.

Usual disclaimer: This has not been okayed on to Teaspoon yet. If it doesn't appear, I'll look even sillier.

writing, unit, doctor who, sarah jane smith, 1980s unit, christmas, fannish scribbles, colonel crichton, sergeant kennedy, winifred bambera, k9

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