Fic: some chosen curse (Enemy at the Door)

Mar 01, 2018 13:54

I have (in news that will surprise no one) now completed my fic for the two generals from episode 10 of Enemy at the Door because apparently I have forgotten my New Year's Resolution to be less obscure and weird in my fic already. It does, however, fill a square for both
hc_bingo and
genprompt_bingo, so there is that.

(The M rating is for the suicide, not the shippage, btw. Alas. I don't know why I insist on writing EatD fic that's actually more depressing than the series itself, but there you go.)

some chosen curse (4249 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Enemy at the Door (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: George Laidlaw/Generalmajor von Wittke
Characters: George Laidlaw, Generalmajor von Wittke
Additional Tags: Community: hc_bingo, Community: genprompt_bingo, Episode: s01e10 Treason, Backstory, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, World War II, World War I, Soldiers, Suicide, Nazis, 1930s, 1940s, Character Death, Dark
Summary: "He is an honourable man... they are both honourable men." General Laidlaw, Generalmajor von Wittke and the road to treason.

Enemy at the Door walks a fine line in dealing with these things, and usually pretty well. Hopefully, I've managed to follow suit, but if not, that's my fault and not that of the series.

(I would like it to be said, though, that I still wish someone else would write this backstory, and write it better. Probably with more stiff-necked repressed pining and things. I'll share my notes, promise! However, that is probably too much to ask for, so the world will have to put up with my efforts. At least, the one or two people in the world who would be interested, that is, of course... ;-p)

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fannish scribbles, wwii, genprompt_bingo, hc_bingo, enemy at the door

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