
Feb 28, 2018 17:01

1. It is snowing!!! I mean, there is white stuff on the ground, although currently it is more snowing sidewise and not doing much, but I could totally build a snowman in my backyard, which is more than I could have said since I don't know how long. (I live in the NE, but by the sea in a valley, so snow is normally mythical stuff you get up on the hills.)

2. In the nicest possible surprise ending to the recent fic_rush query, Beth came back! \o/ Anyone who is a former member of fic_rush or who would be interested in taking part in future rounds (where we encourage each other to get (mainly writerly*) things done over 48 hours), should hoy themselves over to
fic_rush as soon as they are able. All are welcome.

3. I've looked up more weird stuff for my WWII generals fic in the last two days than I have for anything for ages. (I mean, there's stuff where all you need is canon, and fic where you read whole books, and fic where you keep looking random things up... and then there's fic where you really hope nobody's monitoring your Googling too hard because they might be getting the wrong idea, and this one turned out to definitely be the latter.)

fic_rush anyway, people! ;-)

(Goodness knows where those ninja penguins might have got to over the past year - it's going to take some time to gather them back in...)

* Up to and including laundry, applications, essay, art, icons...

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writing, fic_rush, rl

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