Fannish Things

Dec 04, 2017 13:56

Some things going on at the moment:

Sign-ups are open (till Dec 15th) at
fandom_stocking. (You fill in the form with fannish likes etc., the mod posts a 'stocking' post for you, and everyone fills everybody else's in the comments, and then reveal will be delayed by at least a week while the mod has their annual migraine.) It's very low-key and fun.

genprompt_bingo is open for Round 13! There are no deadlines & interesting prompts with a lot of options, which is cool. (I'm still plugging away at my Round 11 card from last year...) No festive connections of any sort, and all fanworks are welcome. (The prompts are gen; the fills can be any rating/ship/whatever you choose.)

The full list of Yuletide Requests have been up for a while, if anyone's interested in treating! (No sign-ups are needed for treating, no letters, nothing but being seized by a shiny prompt and gifting someone a fic in a tiny fandom of their heart. Well, you'll need an AO3 account, of course.)

(I defaulted, btw. Looking again at my fic only proved that I still cry at the thought of attempting to do anything with it, and so there was only one thing to do. Here's hoping my author is doing okay, and I shall try and be far more careful about what fandoms I sign up for next time.)

iconthat (which is a really fun icon challenge comm) is having an Icon Secret Santa (which I think is going to be run like a Fandom Stocking thing, not an exchange & probably even more unofficial and low-key.

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yuletide, writing, fandom_stocking, genprompt_bingo, iconthat

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