Happy Birthday...

Nov 23, 2017 17:45

... to librarylover82,
selenay and
graycardinal! May you all have a wonderful day!

And, of course, a happy birthday to the best TV show, and that traveller in Time and Space known only as the Doctor - 54 and counting!

"A thing that looks like a police box, standing in a junkyard - it can move anywhere in time and space? But that's ridiculous!" Thanks, Doctor Who. You made me bigger on the inside, too; in more ways than I can count. ♥

image Click to view

(I meant to find a different fanvid, but sometimes you've got to go with an old favourite when it's still one of the best and I forgot the upcoming anniversary when I linked to a more recent one the other day.)

Ooh, or this one, both a lovely celebration and a great introduction.

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fanvids, doctor who

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