So I made a thing

Oct 21, 2017 20:02

... mainly because I never can quite stop myself, even when I remind myself how many comms I already have:


It is a comm for all things mystery, crime and detective-related! News, reviews, discussion, links, promotions, fests, fanworks of all kinds etc. etc. You know the drill. (Fictionally speaking, whether TV, book or other.)

I wondered if there was one when I wrote my Daisy Dalrymple ficlet and went looking, and found that, technically yes, but not only had it not been updated in 4 years, it had rules that didn't make it clear what it did and didn't cover, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and make a (hopefully) more general and open one anyway.

I will promote it presently. In the meantime you can feel free to join, and also please tell me obvious authors/detectives/shows I left off the profile (although I can't have them all). Also above is a handy banner for promoting in your own journals and communities (as appropriate).

If anyone is interesting in co-modding, that would be great.

Also there is a new prompt up at
b7friday! It is the inevitable spooky one, but spooky is good, right?

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b7friday, mystery mansion

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