What I'm Reading Wednesday

Mar 22, 2017 08:53

My parents are up visiting, so bear with me if I'm more erratic at commenting than usual - my socialising spoons are going elsewhere! But I thought I'd still do this today.

What I've Finished Reading

I got through my batch of library regencies (and didn't find any John Dickson Carr/Carter Dickson at my other library alas, nor did I find the earlier books in an interesting looking detective series I picked up a later installment of in a charity shop. I may just have to read out of order, dammit).

What I'm Reading Now

I'm still note-taking from In These Times: Living in Britain Through Napoleon's Wars 1793-1815 by Jenny Uglow, and as I'm now on p152, I can say that it's both useful and highly readable. (Not dry, despite its 640 pages, or at least I don't think so. It's just got plenty to talk about.)

Perdita by Paula Byrne, a life of Mary Robinson, which I picked up off my shelf when I was trying to see if I had any information about Gainsborough for my Scaroth story and got distracted into reading it. Mary Robinson was a late 18th C actress, mistress of the future George IV, and later one of the most popular Gothic novelists of her day. It's therefore pretty interesting so far, as you can imagine.

I'm sort of reading some other things, but not sure how they're going as yet. (Reading spoons are still variable.)

What I'm Reading Next

I think it'll take me a while to get through the above two and the redacted reading, but I may go to the library again in search of some more lighter material, because, as I said, reading spoons are still variable!

Or I may get distracted by something hanging about on a bookshelf; it happens a lot.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

review, books, reading

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