Fic: Gothic Romance

Mar 19, 2017 13:34

My fic is now a thing! It's very weird, I know, but hopefully also entertaining, and at last Count Scarlioni has fic. This involved having to rewatch City of Death for research, which, as you must admit, is about as good as research gets. (I also listened to the commentary and Julian Glover wanted to know about Scaroth's love life/lives, so I felt all vindicated for writing weird borderline-shippy fic. I mean, if Julian Glover asked for it, who am I to disoblige? ;-p)

Anyway, my entry for the Minor Characters Ficathon 2017:

Author: lost_spook
Title: Gothic Romance
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 7369 words
Characters/Pairings: Scaroth | Count Scarlioni/Clara Splinter, Great Intelligence Splinter (plus bonus guest appearances).
Notes/Warnings: For inevitable Clara splinter death, mainly, plus slight forced marriage of convenience dodginess. With many thanks to Persiflage for beta-ing it at short notice. Written for dw_guestfest 2017; also for the dw_allsorts prompt “love is done,”
trope_bingo square “fake relationship,” and hc_bingo square “tentacles.”
Summary: It is a fact universally acknowledged that any beings splintered in time will inevitably run into each other. No law says it has to end well, though…

Gothic Romance (on AO3) | at the Teaspoon (awaiting approval as yet).

*goes off to have lunch*

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, clara oswin oswald, historical, doctor who, julian glover, scaroth

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