Fanfic Recs

Sep 12, 2009 17:50

Readers with long ears and short tails may recall me going on about my fanfic rec sites,
StarCrossed (for DW crossovers) and They Do Things Differently There (for DW historical fics ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, vila restal, historical, doctor who, blake's 7, recs, crossover

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Comments 15

persiflage_1 September 12 2009, 17:15:51 UTC
I've resigned myself to the fact that my fics'll never appear on your recommendations...

Have you tried eponymous_rose? Like you, she writes gen fics (mostly) - she certainly doesn't write adult stuff. And I'm pretty sure she's written some DW/other-verse x-overs...


lost_spook September 12 2009, 17:28:52 UTC
Ooh, I've got your Wallace and Grommit fic up there & you know it! And your Law & Order is on my fics-waiting document (and I feel it's moment is soon to come). I was hoping I'd find some US Law & Order fics to keep it company, but I think I was getting confused with something else I'd seen around. Besides, catching up on your (non X-rated ;-D !) fics is also on my to-do list along with many of Clocket's and others. You haven't done any historicals, have you?

I've read some of eponymous_rose's stuff - she's pretty amazing, isn't she? I hadn't noticed any x-overs, so I will have to have a nose. As you say, anything she's done is definitely worth a look. Thanks!


persiflage_1 September 12 2009, 18:10:04 UTC
No, I didn't know that, actually... I haven't looked at the site in months...

The only historical fics I've done are set in 1913 or 1969 and are adult-rated.

I thought eponymous_rose had done either Sapphire & Steel or Man from UNCLE x-overs, but maybe those are still WiPs. I know she posted a list of her WiPs recently so I could go and have a look if you like (assuming you're not on her FList).


lost_spook September 12 2009, 18:25:32 UTC
Heh, I thought you did, because we had a exchange of comments about it, because I found it by using the search option on Teaspoon, rather than by the much simpler method of... reading your fics! ;-)

But when you do the Florence Nightingale one... :-D

Thanks - I expect you're right. I'm not on her f-list and I don't think I've checked through her Teaspoon account with that in mind.

That reminds me, someone did a Sapphire & Steel one that was recced on calufrax and I don't think that was her - if she's done one as well, that would be two - a proper post!


jjpor September 12 2009, 22:22:15 UTC
Hey, I just like to check occasionally who out there in the big, bad internets might be linking to my fics. Occasionally. Okay? Okay?? he asks shiftily... XD

Oh, I am such a narcissist sometimes... XD


lost_spook September 13 2009, 07:47:50 UTC
Oh, there's the 'proper' Master icon! :-D

I had noted that either you had your admirers (which seemed feasible to me) or you occasionally search for your fic, to see where it's got to. (I do it, too - I found I'd been recced on a German fan forum once and translated it on Babelfish and other sites, which kept me entertained for some time. But I was impressed that German DW fans went round reading things in English for fun.)


dbskyler September 13 2009, 18:54:44 UTC
I found free internet in Barcelona so I'm doing a little surfing on LJ, saw this post and then just had to check to see if my one little historical got recced . . . and it did!!! Seeing as I don't get much time on the internet while traveling, I have to say that was a special treat to see that. Thank you!


lost_spook September 13 2009, 19:09:56 UTC
Well, duh! You know I love that one. :-)

And it's great to hear from you - I was just thinking about your not being around earlier. Hope you're having a great time!


pitry November 18 2009, 00:21:38 UTC
Aaah! On a random whim (yeah, right) I google a fic of mine and I'm CAUGHT! Hmpf.

Gawd, I should go back to writing fanfics. I have like 3 crossovers sitting in my head waitning for me to write them...


lost_spook November 18 2009, 19:55:58 UTC
Hey, long time, no see! :-D

I was vaguely wondering / worrying (as I trawled Teaspoon for crossovers) what had become of you. Nice to see you're still around. And while rl has to come first, I'd certainly be interested to see whatever else you come up with - you definitely don't go for the obvious, which is a refreshing thing in fan fic.


pitry November 18 2009, 21:26:00 UTC
Awwww, yay, I even get a compliment! Thankee :)

Yeah, real life took over me, moving a continent and starting a new degree. But! The cold wintery London winter approaches and I'm already hiding inside most of the time, so time to see if I remember all the stories I meant to write, hehe.


lost_spook November 19 2009, 14:58:27 UTC
So, not very much going on, then? :lol:

Good luck with everything. Rl has to come first, but yes, fic by you turning up on Teaspoon is rarely a bad thing. ;-)

(I've friended you back. I thought about it once before, but was shy. I do waffle a lot, I must warn you.)


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