Readers with long ears and short tails may recall me going on about my fanfic rec sites,
StarCrossed (for DW crossovers) and
They Do Things Differently There (for DW historical fics).
Well, I'm still posting on them and I'm really pleased with them, but I am seriously in need of finding some more decent historical fics. At the moment, I'm running through about the same five or six authors.
The authors being used repetitively are
jjpor, bad_dickens, sunnyrea, jinxed_wood plus one-off stories here and there, inlcuding my own. I do have a couple longer stories I need to get around to having a look at, but there must be more out there somewhere. Anyone got any recs I can nick? (Preferably gen/teen). Mind you, what is there is all good fic. And I really like the way the categories work. (I'm so shallow and frivolous about these things!)
The crossover one is good fun, though - and after all my B7 meandering can I double rec AstroGirl's
Box of Tricks? I expect you'll know it, but it's a) short and completely spoiler-free b) has a note-perfect Vila voice as well as fun with the Fourth Doctor and c) is full of lovely sly humour at the shared limitations of two shows. (If you can get DW quarry jokes, you can get B7 quarry jokes, basically...)
Also, I can look at the blog stats and see what searches bring it up (so if you Google your own fic, I can see! ;-D), who visited what posts and how many visits I've had per day. This amuses me greatly. (Heads off to find a life). Especially that the Carry On and On the Up posts have proved oddly popular. Well, Carry On, I guess, but I didn't imagine anyone other than me wanting to read my On The Up crossover.