15 Characters Meme

Aug 17, 2016 09:38

I stopped posting and commenting again, for most of the same reasons, and some more. Sorry - summer! (Even when it's not even hot). However, I get really funny and crawl somewhere inside myself when I don't post and comment, which is really not good, BUT now I have been reminded of a thing I can post!

It has, after all, been about 6 months since I last did the 15 Characters Meme...

1) Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment.

2) Ask your f-list to post questions in the comments. For example: "One, nine, and fifteen are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from four. Do they succeed?", "Under what circumstances might five and fourteen fall in love?", "Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?"

3) After your f-list has stopped asking questions, round them up and answer them using the fifteen characters you selected beforehand, then post them.

(Also I may try to do a What I'm Reading post. Possibly even on Wednesday (today, gosh). I did mean to do it more than once a year, but I've already failed on that point.) I hope everyone else is well. I am sorry, I didn't mean to go away and ignore you all again. It wasn't that I didn't care. Just spoons (lack of), summer, dentists (only the usual kind) and more family history.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

15 characters meme, fannish nonsense, meme

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