Shippy Meme

Jun 26, 2009 13:27

Taken from persiflage_1, mainly because I try to petend I'm not shippy at all, which is a complete and utter lie. But I don't really have any massive OTPs and I'm not that bothered, so I don't mention it a lot, because it's one of those so-divisive things for obvious reasons.

Shippy Meme under here )

fannish nonsense, meme

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Comments 13

persiflage_1 June 26 2009, 13:10:57 UTC
Only slightly disturbing! :D

Martha/Hex and Brig/Liz FTW!!!!! (You totally sold me on the latter, BTW - you evil oppressor, you! :P)

Of course, I've no idea who Ros is.


lost_spook June 26 2009, 13:22:58 UTC
Of course, if I'd written it at some other point, it would have had a lot less Leela in it.

Yes, Martha and Hex are very sweet. And I'm very proud to have oppressed you on the Brig & Liz.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I should have labelled this with a warning for potential Spooks spoilers. Don't get me wrong, I do like Ros, but she is there to be heartless and ruthless and sarcastic for females everywhere, not have the obvious romances that everyone else never got to have. :-D


persiflage_1 June 26 2009, 13:28:44 UTC
Of course, if I'd written it at some other point, it would have had a lot less Leela in it.

Hee. But Leela's fictional love-life is fun!

Yes, Martha and Hex are very sweet. And I'm very proud to have oppressed you on the Brig & Liz.


Yeah, I'm sorry. I should have labelled this with a warning for potential Spooks spoilers. Don't get me wrong, I do like Ros, but she is there to be heartless and ruthless and sarcastic for females everywhere, not have the obvious romances that everyone else never got to have. :-D

I see!!


lost_spook June 27 2009, 07:41:15 UTC
It is true. Leela's fictional love life is entertaining. :lol:


jjpor June 26 2009, 18:45:48 UTC
Brig/Liz... I've never actually written it, but...yeah...It's my personal canon now, anyway.


lost_spook June 27 2009, 07:33:09 UTC
Heh. :-D


ravenskyewalker June 27 2009, 01:57:33 UTC
10. Ten/Rose (DW. Only because there is SO MUCH of the stuff).

It's as if every other fanfic I ever see any longer is Ten / Rose! I need much more Seven fic, even Seven / Ace, to make up for it. (Honestly, I'm not big on the idea of the Doctor with a human, and can't write it seriously, but am not averse to reading Seven / Ace...)

Sara Griffiths at the end of the Delta's commentary was quite fun, on Billy & Ray: "Oh, she's over him already. She's been hanging around with the Doctor now.... There's a lot of Doctor-love going on." :-D

Oh, I must hear this. I hope it can still be heard when it's released in the USA later this year. *silly grin*


lost_spook June 27 2009, 07:36:38 UTC
Well, I didn't dream it. And, as I have been known to verge on writing Seven/Ray (because I like Seven and Ace as they are too much to mess with their relationship), I was amused.

I suspect you'll like the Sylvester outtakes on the extras. He says in the commentary that every time he has to run and speak, he hyperventilates and then there's an outtake to prove it... :-D

And I know, the Big Ships do seem to dominate the horizon. I think this may account for my rebellious in writing completely unheard of ships in reaction. Toy boats! :lol:


ravenskyewalker June 28 2009, 00:51:38 UTC
Well, I didn't dream it.

Heh. Oh, I know that, but I occasionally wonder if the extras on US editions will be the same as on the UK ones. Commentaries usually are, but one can never be absolutely certain.

I suspect you'll like the Sylvester outtakes on the extras.

I definitely look forward to those...

I like the Big Ships (dominating the horizon) vs toy boats comparison. Now I'm thinking of how a good submarine could sneak in and torpedo some of those big ships... *evil grin*


lost_spook June 28 2009, 06:53:12 UTC
Fingers crossed that they are, then! ;-)

Heh, you're evil, you./ Me, I just sit here and play with my toy boats on the little pond. It would have to be one heck of submarine to do any serious damage. :lol:


belantana June 27 2009, 03:11:10 UTC
But then again, there are corridor scenes.

Oh, there are, there are. :D


lost_spook June 27 2009, 07:37:33 UTC
As we all know. Give us Ruth, Harry and a corridor and what more can you ask for? (Barring a bus, obviously). :lol:


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