Shippy Meme

Jun 26, 2009 13:27

Taken from persiflage_1, mainly because I try to petend I'm not shippy at all, which is a complete and utter lie. But I don't really have any massive OTPs and I'm not that bothered, so I don't mention it a lot, because it's one of those so-divisive things for obvious reasons.

Okay, three from watching TV that would make me *wibble* if someone broke them up. *looks at list* Oh, wait...
1. Ruth/Harry (Spooks)
2. Hank/Sheila (D&D)
3. Angel/Cordy (Angel)
(Yes. That is a cartoon pairing in there. I am sorry.)

Three I actually write sometimes:
4. Brigadier/Liz Saw (DW)
5. Tegan/Five (DW)
6. Ben/Polly (DW)

(I resisted the very strong temptation to make 6 all Leela/ Various Random People).

Oh, wait, I can make these Leela ones:
7. Leela/Poul
8. Leela/Litefoot
9. Leela/Cordo
(Sadly, I can't honestly claim to have abandoned Colby or Andred).

Please note I have no rabid hates. I don't really tend to go for slash stuff, though.
10. Ten/Rose (DW. Only because there is SO MUCH of the stuff).
11. Leela/Doctor (DW)
12. Ros/Adam (Spooks)
13. Ros/ Lucas (Spooks)
14. Ian and Barbara with anyone else. Unless I write it. (DW)
15. Ben and Polly ditto. (DW)

I'm not sure what this one means. New ones that I've suddenly noticed and would like to find out more or...? I'll just two I wrote that do seem to have developed lives of their own:
16. Martha Jones / Hex Schofield (DW)
17. Leela / Colby (DW)

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?

I don't! I'm just disturbed by the freakish behaviour of the Doctor in Image of the Fendahl in which he seems to want to get Leela into the the TARDIS more than anything else and *my brain starts blanking out and panicking* In any other situation, it could be a workable ship. If I weren't busy writing Leela with every other man she ever meets.

2. Who do you know that ships #13?

I don't know.

3. What would be your ideal scenario for #3?

Well, it would involve both of them actually being alive and not possessed/ evil, for a start.

4. What is your favorite moment for #1?

Do you want a very long list? Probably 4.5 with a tie between their phonecall and Harry's explanation of why he's going out on a limb on this one. But then again, there are corridor scenes.

5. How long have you been following couple #6?

Since I first read them in Target novelisations. I don't know how long ago that was.

6. What's the story about #8? What made you stop caring?

Aw. I wasn't being completely serious, you know. And, basically, it didn't happen and there was a considerable age and cultural gap.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?

*pauses to giggle* at having Hank and Sheila and the Brig and Liz in my head at the same time. Erm... Teenage love of cartoon vs fave couple to write for. No, can't do it. They're too different.

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.

I said I wasn't rabid. I should have put Adam/Ambassador's wife there, because that would have spared us a lot. I wouldn't really do away with either 10 or 12. After all, Ros does explain to Adam herself that it would never have worked, so I don't think I need to go round erasing things. Only Time Lords do that sort of thing.

9. What interests you about #17?

Erm. I think it's down to my strange sense of humour. Just because the other Leela stories were a lot harder to write.

10. When did you start liking #7?

A long time ago in a video booth in a library.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?

*laughs hysterically* Hardly!

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5?

Wow. I didn't do this deliberately, but this is the only couple on the list I have a song in my head for. Aimee Mann 'Stupid Thing' (If someone who can do these things made a Tegan/Five vid to that, I would write almost anything in return. :-D)

13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?

Ben/Polly. How can you not?

14. Which ship do you dislike the most?

Ros/Lucas. This would be so annoying if it happened. (Come on, let Ros be glorious and sarky in charge and not having an affair. Although Lucas does deserve someone better than the ex-wife).

15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?

Now there's an idea for a silly crossover. I would have Ruth and Harry with Leela and any of her men. That would be certain to be interesting. The most appropriate would be Ruth and Harry and Liz and the Brig. They would all have plenty in common to keep the conversation going.

16. Have #2 Kissed yet?

Are you joking? They're from a 1980s cartoon. You have to watch very closely to see the fact that it's there.

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think it's likely?

No, they didn't. And no, although the potential is there. They are both too wedded to their careers and duty.

18. What would make you start shipping #14?

Um. Nothing. Splitting up Ian and Barbara is heresy. I mean, I might write a Doctor/Barbara drabble, but really.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6?

They are both actual, canonical things. More or less. In about exactly the same way. Go away! I am keeping them both. They're the only two on that list that probably worked out.

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10.

I really don't know what I would do with them.

There. That was disturbing, wasn't it?


Edit Talking of (weird) 'ships, Sara Griffiths at the end of the Delta's commentary was quite fun, on Billy & Ray: "Oh, she's over him already. She's been hanging around with the Doctor now.... There's a lot of Doctor-love going on." :-D

fannish nonsense, meme

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