Yuletide recs post

Jan 01, 2014 13:46

Hastily, before reveals this afternoon! There are heaps of things I haven't even looked at, stuff I probably didn't bookmark, some of these I might not yet have commented on, but let's have a look before we all cease to be anonymous.

(And, of course, not forgetting my wonderful gifts, all recced here - Chalet School, Miss Marple & Ten Stupidest ( Read more... )

yuletide, the mummy, north and south, good life, recs, dead like me, red dwarf, georgette heyer, northanger abbey, jonathan strange & mr norrell, sarah jane adventures

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persiflage_1 January 1 2014, 14:46:27 UTC
Wait! Rowan Atkinson's character in Love Actually is an angel?!


I did not know that, but that ties in with something I was wittering about on Tumblr last week (or possibly the week before).

Sorry, sorry...

Um, yes - lovely recs - I shall have to find time to read some of them (when I'm not madly writing 2 different fics at the same time!)


lost_spook January 1 2014, 17:09:55 UTC
Yes - I don't know if you have the DVD? If you do, I really recommend listening to the commentary and watching the deleted scenes (also with the commentary) - unlike a lot of commentaries and stuff for films, it's really interesting (and the film commentary is pretty entertaining, because Hugh Grant spends most of it claiming that Colin Firth's jumper is a better actor than him...) and it explains why and what got cut that means it's not clear from the film itself. But, yes, his character is an angel (something one of my friends said at the time, and I scoffed at her - wrongly). That's why he turns up randomly at the moments he does.



persiflage_1 January 1 2014, 17:20:20 UTC
Oooh thank you! I have a terrible tendency to mostly not bother listening to commentaries - which I know is wrong of me, but I do. However, I will definitely make an exception and grab the DVD at the weekend for a watch & listen combined.

This is what I actually wrote, when reblogging someone's LA gifset on Tumblr last week:

Also, I have this half-baked theory that Rowan Atkinson's character knows that Alan Rickman's character isn't anxious because he fears his wife is going to come along and see the gift he's purchasing, but RA's character knows it's because the gift *isn't* for his wife. Don't ask me how he'd know that (I did say it was a half-baked theory!) - he just does - and that's why he's taking an inordinately long time to gift wrap that expensive necklace...So it turns out my theory was NOT half-baked but actually bloody smart! Go me! The fact he's an angel also explains his crucial intervention at the airport, allowing Thomas Sangster's character to run after the girl he loves ( ... )


lost_spook January 1 2014, 17:44:31 UTC
Oh, most film commentaries are really dull! I used to listen to them more, because DW and Red Dwarf commentaries led me to believe that commentaries were fun. However, the one for Love, Actually is both fun and interesting. And the deleted scenes show more connections and extra stories that got cut because it was all starting to get too labyrinthine with them in (but one of them is about Emma Thompson's character and her son, and that includes people speculating about angels and things).

And, yes - you're totally right! Not in the least half-baked! :-)


persiflage_1 January 1 2014, 17:46:20 UTC
Wonderful! I will definitely have a watch - perhaps on Saturday 'cos I'll enjoy it after 4.5 hours of my boss driving me insane!

*grins* I feel quite clever for working it out without the commentary/missing scenes.


lost_spook January 1 2014, 20:03:25 UTC
You are very clever indeed, but then I've known that for ages! ;-p


persiflage_1 January 1 2014, 20:06:33 UTC
*blushes* Thanks.


pedanther January 11 2014, 10:47:20 UTC

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