Fic: Police Boxes Don't Just Vanish, Do They?

Nov 27, 2013 20:43

Okay, so for everyone who said I should definitely finish off #1 when I did the WIP meme the other day, here it is:

Police Boxes Don’t Just Vanish, Do They? (4748 words) by lost_spook
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963), Public Eye (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, Third Doctor, Jo Grant, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Frank Marker
Additional Tags: Crossover, POV Outsider, POV First Person, Private Investigators
Summary: For one private detective, missing persons cases and inexplicable vanishing police boxes seem to go together

Also here on Teaspoon.

I hope people aren't too be put off by the obscure crossover - I was making use of Public Eye to do an Outsider POV for Doctor Who. (I kind of hope no one who actually knows Public Eye reads it, really. Bit of a nerve to go round attempting writing Frank Marker POV on this short acquaintance, but I thought it'd work rather nicely from the Doctor Who angle. They intersect quite naturally, but come from two very different viewpoints. /o\)

(I wanted to add in a section where someone from Polly's family employs Marker to buy off this random sailor she's moved in with, but realised he'd be in Birmingham by that point, so it was a bit hard to come up with any realistic reason why that would happen. Life is so hard at times... Still, it wouldn't have actually involved a police box, so maybe it's all for the best.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

brigadier lethbridge-stewart, 1960s, doctor who, public eye, crossover, barbara wright, fannish scribbles, ian chesterton, third doctor, jo grant

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