It's not just official things that are awesome...

Nov 26, 2013 12:54

Some fannish Doctor Who anniversary things:

1. dbskyler has opened up dw_50ficathon (a ficathon to celebrate all 50 years of Doctor Who with a fic for each one) for ficlet madness to fill all the remaining years - drabbles, ficlets and fully fledged fic all welcome here! (And, dbskyler wrote me this for it, too - Ten, more Zygon hunting and a bonus penguin.) So, people should go join in! (Well, those of us not desperately word-hunting for Yuletide, I suppose... *looks sternly at self*)

shinyjenni made a beautiful anniversary vid here.

And I know there were other things I missed while Calufraxing (I am having to remind myself that, actually, I haven't finished there yet, either. 0_o)

... I'm pretty sure there were other things I meant to include, apart from all the things I need to catch up on sometime soon. Actually, I've had two of my prompts picked up for dw_50ficathon, so you can find among shiny other fic already written there, Ben/Polly fic and Eight and Charley by eve11. So, anyway, DW is awesome; so are DW fans.

(And now I can go back to obsessing about Public Eye in obscurity again.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, fanvids, doctor who, recs, dw_50ficathon

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