hc_bingo card

Aug 17, 2013 07:55

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help!, writing, hc_bingo

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lost_spook August 17 2013, 16:34:19 UTC
Thank you!

I'm not entirely sure, so that's what I intend to find out! I mean, maybe I just don't read enough of what's out there - it does vary by fandom. I suppose, already, thinking about the prompts made me realise that maybe one thing about it I like is it involving someone noticing someone else's problems?

But it just seems to have a bad rep around my flist, and for reasons that aren't what I think of as being hurt/comfort, so again, I don't really know.

I just do like it, for cathartic reasons, and maybe because I've spent so much of my life being ill, I want some acknowledgement of that in fiction, perhaps? And I don't at all think it's something that it's automatically OOC, which is one of the things that gets flung at it. That's just badfic, of any genre. It's only going to be interesting when it's in character... :-)

ETA: I think also I mean that I count very subtle things as comfort, and maybe that's not sufficient? Maybe I'm just writing angst with a bit of hope somewhere? (Luckily, this comm still caters to me if that's so.)


ladymercury_10 August 17 2013, 16:42:27 UTC
it involving someone noticing someone else's problems?
Yes, that is nice.

And I don't at all think it's something that it's automatically OOC, which is one of the things that gets flung at it. That's just badfic, of any genre. It's only going to be interesting when it's in character
Yeah, I think people are sometimes scared of hardcore whump, or annoyed by really schmoopy h/c that gets OOC, but neither of those are necessarily what it's about.

It definitely does vary by fandom, and then I feel like there are some things that probably fall under a similar umbrella but don't quite make sense to call h/c. Like, in superhero fandoms sometimes you see characters being hurt enough to take them out of the field, but not so much that the fic is mostly about them being in pain, and then other characters entertaining them/keeping them company, but since they aren't upset it isn't exactly comfort either? I always wonder if there is a tag better than "fluff" for something like that.

Edit: I didn't see your edit until after I posted, but I see we both have genre categorization questions, haha. :P


lost_spook August 18 2013, 07:24:05 UTC
Like, in superhero fandoms sometimes you see characters being hurt enough to take them out of the field, but not so much that the fic is mostly about them being in pain, and then other characters entertaining them/keeping them company, but since they aren't upset it isn't exactly comfort either?

heh, yes, that's quite a specific one, isn't it? I don't think I've seen it in a fic, but then I'm not really in any superhero fandoms. Maybe convalescence fic? Er... *stumped*

And I don't know, mild/subtle hurt/comfort is still hurt/comfort - it just won't quite conform to expectations.

Yeah, I think people are sometimes scared of hardcore whump, or annoyed by really schmoopy h/c that gets OOC, but neither of those are necessarily what it's about.

Which is very true - and it's perfectly understandable getting turned off if you've been in a fandom where there's a lot of stuff like that, or the hurt is gratuitous/extreme and too easily fixed, or involves OOC-ness.

But I'm looking forward to seeing what I can write for this! :-) (In a thread above we got the idea of the TARDIS being injured and getting fixed/comforted by the Doctor, and I like that idea - I've seen it more the other way around. I'm thinking maybe One, but I'd kind of like to bookend it with Eleven maybe.)


ladymercury_10 August 18 2013, 16:13:15 UTC
I don't know, mild/subtle hurt/comfort is still hurt/comfort - it just won't quite conform to expectations
This is true.

In a thread above we got the idea of the TARDIS being injured and getting fixed/comforted by the Doctor, and I like that idea
Oh, that sounds fun! Yeah, it seems more common to see it the other way, so that would be neat. :)


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