hc_bingo card

Aug 17, 2013 07:55

trope_bingo has been being rather lovely in terms of giving me reason to type or make things, tying in with already existing prompts and so on, but not in being stressful. So I got tempted into also signing up for
hc_bingo - Hurt/Comfort Bingo.

Which may seem a little odd (the complete list of prompts is such a mix of things that really interest and attract me and things that terrify me to death and paralyse my muse), but I do like hurt/comfort, even if I think my definition in my head is not always the same as other people's. And there's a lot of room for interpretation (literal or metaphorical etc. etc.) and it doesn't have to be hurt/comfort, it can be hurt or comfort, and it doesn't have to be shippy. So... could be very interesting. I like working through bad stuff in fic (or at least certain kinds), although not necessarily "fixing" it. I do tend to find it cathartic/helpful. (I was listing what to veto and then realising that some I'd already written - I've got two fics that contain possible suicide attempts, for instance. It just looks much weirder when it's a prompt. "Ooh, let's write a nice torture fic, why not?")

And this morning my card turned up

substance addiction

panic attacks
forced soulbonding
trust issues

alien abduction
sexual extortion
loss of vision

bullet wounds
unrequited pining
plane crash

trapped between realities
natural disasters
tyranny / rebellion
surprise sexswap

At first sight (and I already did not only the three allowed vetos but begged for no specific rl medical conditions, which the mods clearly and kindly took notice of) I thought it was a horrible card and wanted to send it back. However, I can see at least three possible bingos now, and most of the squares are scaring me less the more I look at them. It might eventually be quite a fun card. Well, for a given definition of fun that includes torture, prostitution, bullet wounds, plane crashes and natural disasters.

(Actually, this is making me think... is there an Apocalypse Bingo? Are there enough end of the world scenarios yet? There must be. That would be kind of depressingly hilarious. End your fandoms one by one by new and inventive means! Or just the old perennials, of course.)

But where
trope_bingo has been fitting into lots of things, this is less obvious. I think, if I look, I'll probably come up with some very interesting matches from my 500 Prompts (and, yes, I have not forgotten those. They're just ongoing for as long as I LJ now, probably). However, if anyone's got any suggestions, I'd be interested. (I make no promises, this isn't a meme - this is very much a for-me thing.)

At the moment, I'm thinking the L-R diagonal might be easiest, or vertical down the centre. Both end verticals aren't too bad either, and the R-L diagonal is do-able, too.

The ones that I particularly dislike, because it's hard to be too metaphorical or step away from rl are panic attacks, substance abuse and plane crash. (I think I actually hate plane crash the most. Unless it could be interpreted as "space ship crash" and I suspect not, unless it's very much a space equivalent of a modern plane. Which I suppose it could be...) You can do vids, art, recs, meta, icons, picspams etc., too, though, so it is really very flexible.

The Wild Card, though, will be "Dystopia" because I had a thing I wanted to do for that. And I've got "Trapped between realities". Now there's a really tough one for an S&S fan...

I was going to talk about my
trope_bingo progress, but mainly my current plans of what's written in rough go like so:

Indecent proposal - have rough version, too weird to talk about, see how it turns out
Crossover - rough done, but it'd sound too weird to talk about. Or misleadingly more exciting
au: other - such a BAD idea, may not happen, probably will. Can't possibly mention it.
against all odds - so silly and obscure, maybe it doesn't count for the trope? Maybe I should do a House of Eliott Picspam/fandom manifesto instead (because that really does embody the trope. Two women against the world, succeeding when all the annoying men tell them no!!)
deathfic - is this cheating? Probably.
sharing a bed - can't decide who's the funniest pair to focus on. (I'd like to do Five and Tegan, but I kind of did that once before, a long time ago in Storytime. But I haven't done it out in the real fanfic world... Or I could have, say, Vila and Avon snarking at each other all night and probably complaining about the bed, the room, the circumstances, each other, the universe, Blake... And there are probably other equally entertaining mismatched pairs, too.) (What? What? Was I supposed to write pr0n here? Sorry. ;-p)

But I am planning a Metafiction rec-set, and possibly an Epistolary one, which should be fun.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

help!, writing, hc_bingo

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