Yay, and yet more things

Mar 28, 2013 09:54

1. I have been a little stuck with the 500 Prompts fic(let)s, even though I have about six more in rough, because of one being really awkward and me refusing to type up any others till I'd worked out what to do with it - and I have just now cracked it! Not by doing anything special, but adding one bit last week and deleting another this week and suddenly, it works, whereas it didn't before. Also, of course, I was a wee bit distracted by the S&S 100 Element prompts. I am, it has to be said, always so easily distracted by any mention, thought or basically anything to do with shiny Elements.

2. Words learnt in the course of writing it (and,
seriesfive, this is one you may find useful): anatidaephobia - the fear of being watched by a duck. Not that there are any ducks in my fic; it's just amazing what you find out when you were looking for something else.

3. There is, it turns out now a b7_kinkmeme! I've not played with many kinkmemes before, but it looks like being fun. And, really, how come there never was one before, because, B7...? :lol: (I did once dabble with the Downton Abbey kinkmeme, which was very vanilla and generally non-anonymous. I'm not much good at being anonymous. I mention this only because it has the best name: dakinkmeme, ha.) Anyway, more B7 fic = a good thing, right?

(For those just getting into B7, after all the recent oppression, there are quite a few comms for it, and though they may seem quiet, they all have actual people on and are worth playing with: b7friday, blakes7, b7fic, b7recs b7icons and my own misguided attempt, which does have lots of prompts and no one's even done Blake/Avon for it, you know... b7love_250 and others. And
blakes7 on Dreamwidth. Sometimes LJ is more fun, sorry Dreamwidth. ;-p)

4. Also I think I am on the verge of finishing the vid I've been sort of making on and off since August and at the moment, I may even be really pleased with it? I still have some final clips to add. I have a low-quality test version up on YouTube as private, but would anyone be kind enough to take a look at it? I'd need someone who ideally didn't know very much about the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon and preferably a little bit about vidding, if anyone was willing. Just to know whether a) I'm right and it does work and have some progression and I shouldn't mess with it too much now, or b) I'm wrong and it's an incoherent mess with no sense of progression, which it could well be, and I should fix it. (And - fingers crossed - I don't seem to be making myself go dizzy and hyper-sensitive to noise with it at the moment, either. \o/)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

vidding, help!, writing, blake's 7

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