15 Characters Meme - answers (part 2)

Feb 28, 2013 17:58

Part Two...

1. Reginald Jeeves (PG Wodehouse)
2. Ace (DW)
3. Orac (B7)
4. Lynda Day (Press Gang)
5. Kerr Avon (B7)
6. Darth Vader (Star Wars)
7. Elsie Hughes (Downton Abbey)
8. Sapphire (S&S)
9. Tenth Doctor (DW)
10. Ruth Evershed (Spooks)
11. Servalan (B7)
12. Kryten (Red Dwarf)
13. Harry Sullivan (DW)
14. Cally (B7)
15. Gene Hunt (LoM/A2A)

sallymn asked:

Kryten, Darth Vader and Cally are organising a surprise birthday party for Orac. How badly does it go, how does 3 react, and who jumps out of the cake?

Well-meant as Kryten and Cally are, this is not going to go well, Orac will be thoroughly ungrateful, and I suppose Kryten would jump out of the cake if Cally asked. But, people, this intimidation-by-birthday party stuff has got to stop.

Ten, Sapphire, Servalan and Jeeves end up in a body swap (a la B7's Ultraworld). Who ends up in who's body?

Okay, well, before there's any implosion and unfortunate timey-wimey-ness, Sapphire and Ten had better swap. I'm sure Sapphire will manage to find a way to swap back, even if the Doctor doesn't. Servalan is presumably behind the whole thing, in her attempt to bodyswap back with Harry, but this clearly does not go well. Servalan would be rather frustrated, Jeeves would simply keep calm, carry on and neatly devise a solution to the situation.

Because lost_spook's Authorial Insert needs brightening up, Lynda, Mrs Hughes and Harry Sullivan are going to sing for you. What song, and can any of them keep a tune in a bucket?

Aw. I have no idea what song. Something old-fashioned, I'd think - maybe a hymn. Lynda is only doing it through gritted teeth, but you could have chosen me some much worse people to attempt to serenade me. ♥

persiflage_1 asked:

Jeeves, Sapphire and Gene Hunt are forced to work together to save the world. Can they? Or are we all dead now?

I think the world would be well and truly saved. I'm not sure how could they would be on the working together part, but in their own separate ways, they'd save the world.

Ace, Darth Vader and Kryten are stuck on a ship that's out of control and falling towards the sun (a la Who's '42'). Who takes charge, who wants to take charge, and who just wants to be home in time for tea?

Or: I said Ace/Kryten wouldn't go well. Darth Vader takes charge, Ace wants to take charge and Kryten just wants to be home in time for curry and laundry. I am, however, confident that they won't fall into the sun and reasonably sure that Kryten and Ace combined can probably find some way of ensuring that Vader doesn't kill them once the emergency is over.

Orac gets asked out on date by both Mrs Hughes and Ten - what happens next?

:loL: Er. Leaving aside the question of why both of them suddenly want to go out with Orac (who is after all, a plastic box with circuits), I can only imagine he'd choose Ten - I mean, Orac, let loose in the TARDIS... I think Ten will soon realise his mistake and travel back to the 20s and let Mrs Hughes keep him. Perhaps she thinks he's a toaster.

jjpor asked:

Jeeves is driving Ruth to an important job interview when they have to stop and ask Darth Vader for directions. Does Ruth get the job?

On the face of it, Jeeves is a reasonable person to act as chauffeur. However, they don't get there and Ruth doesn't get the job. Clearly Jeeves has some alternative plan going on here, because he would never need to stop and ask anyone for directions otherwise. And as for deciding that Darth Vader is a sensible person to ask for directions... No, Ruth never gets that job.

dimity_blue asked:

Mrs Hughes, Ten and Kryten have to assemble a very large, complicated piece of furniture. Who's able to follow the instructions, are any of them able to work together, and will the piece of furniture look like it's supposed to when they're done?

Actually, that's a pretty effective furniture-assembling team. The Doctor's got a screwdriver, Kryten's will be excellent at reading the instructions and assembling things precisely (as long as he hasn't got the wrong head on) and Mrs Hughes will step in with some common sense when the Doctor wants to abandon the instructions altogether and make radical "improvements" to the design. She probably won't stop him making one or two alterations when she's not looking, but it should work out and vaguely resemble whatever it's supposed to be.

Ace and Avon have to buy a gift for Servalan. Can they agree on what to buy him/her and where to get it from? And will they be able to shop together without starting an argument?

So, after the birthday party idea failed, this is what happened next? Okay, there would probably be some bickering. (Ace isn't going to take to Avon, or certainly not at first, I'd say.) However, presumably they know what they want - an elaborate gown with some sort of explosive sewn inside. Servalan doubtless has some unfortunate person to open her mail, however, so it probably won't get them anywhere.

Can I say again: birthdays. Not about intimidation and assassination, people.

pedanther asked:

Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?

There are a lot of options here, but at the end of the day, it's got to be the Doctor, hasn't it? He'd be bound to foil it and a lot less likely to sacrifice me along the way. Well, obviously, I can't count on that, but certainly he's a better bet than Darth Vader, Avon or Servalan, or even Sapphire. Failing the Doctor, Lynda. Lynda doesn't sacrifice people if she can help it and she hates losing.

Under what circumstances might Avon and Cally fall in love?

Oh my, canon ship wars ahoy! Basically, lack of Blake. Shall we move on?

Jeeves, Ten, and Gene Hunt are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from Lynda Day. Do they succeed?

Well, much as I'd usually back Lynda against anyone or anything, that's quite a formidable team; I can't see them failing. In fact, Lynda would probably be alarmed enough by the idea that the world would need saving from her (she'd believe it) that she'd probably help them anyway.

cosmic_llin asked:

What would Orac and Mrs Hughes do if they were stuck in a lift together?

Aha, so this is where romance blossomed/she mistook him for a new and better toaster and wanted him for her very own. Er, well, um, not much? Either Orac caused the lift malfunction, can fix it, or he can't and he'll complain about it. Mrs Hughes would no doubt be annoyed but await rescue if there was nothing else to be done. What exactly they'd talk about, though...

What skill does Ten teach Cally?

Hmm. Interesting question. Cally's pretty good at quite a lot of things already (telepathy, first aid, fighting skills, meditation) but the Doctor's the Doctor. Maybe he'd teach her something about shielding her mind from things that wanted to take it over?

Jeeves has to take Gene Hunt on a date - where do they go?

How brilliant is this? There's nothing like bring a meme full circle, is there? See my very first answer: He took Gene to Ruth and Mrs Hughes's where there was difficulty with the cooking etc. It can't be said that the date went well, though. I'm sure Gene wouldn't even admit to it being a date.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

life on mars, doctor who, red dwarf, 15 characters meme, blake's 7, downton abbey, sapphire and steel, fannish nonsense, meme

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