Not really here... but Yuletide!

Dec 25, 2012 19:45

(My Mum's laptop is great for reading stuff on AO3, but not so good for me actually doing stuff, even plus rl things and tiredness, so don't be misled into thinking I am actually here. ;-p)

But really, I have to say something because Yuletide! I had five gifts in the main collection. Truly. Five!! (Well, four and a half, one is gifted both to ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, yuletide, henry vii/elizabeth of york, blake's 7, recs, sarah jane adventures

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Comments 3

persiflage_1 December 25 2012, 20:18:37 UTC
Oh how lovely for you! I'm pleased you're so pleased... *hugs*


lost_spook December 25 2012, 20:41:43 UTC
Thanks! And I know! I've been so lucky and I really love all of them.

Hope you are okay! *hugs back*


persiflage_1 December 25 2012, 20:42:39 UTC
I am, thanks.


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