Not really here... but Yuletide!

Dec 25, 2012 19:45

(My Mum's laptop is great for reading stuff on AO3, but not so good for me actually doing stuff, even plus rl things and tiredness, so don't be misled into thinking I am actually here. ;-p)

But really, I have to say something because Yuletide! I had five gifts in the main collection. Truly. Five!! (Well, four and a half, one is gifted both to me and another; I think I must own the half with the penguin). I haven't moved onto any other fics yet, although so many wonderful things there because I've been trying to read mine. (I have now, and \o/ although I really need to read the longer ones again.) But if any of my Dear Writers are reading this (and I have a strong feeling two of them may well be), then thank you! Not only are they all great in very different ways, but also for my sort of happy gloating as a new fic appeared each day. I've been spoiled rotten already, and I still have two Madness fics tomorrow. So thank you! You all made me so happy! ♥

Anyway, the fics, for they are marvellous and should be read!

The first one is pretty much like a missing scene (or adventure) from B7, which is perfect as I've set off on my annual rewatch and couldn't ask for anything more. Plus, Dayna is awesome and blows stuff up. 'Nuff said. (I have strong suspicions as to who wrote this, especially after seeing the note! So I'd probably best say no more just yet.)

A Quarter to Midnight (1048 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Blake's 7
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dayna Mellanby/Del Tarrant
Characters: Dayna Mellanby, Del Tarrant
Summary: Tarrant and Dayna find themselves locked in a vault.

The second is my shared story in which there is Rani/Clyde and taking the penguin for a walk. I'd better not say more because I KNOW who wrote this, for Reasons. But LOL. And aw. And ♥ If you like SJA, you'll love it.

Walking the Penguin (1678 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sarah Jane Adventures
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Rani Chandra/Clyde Langer
Characters: Rani Chandra, Clyde Langer, Gita Chandra, Haresh Chandra
Summary: Rani and Clyde are facing their toughest battle yet - they must tell Rani's parents that they're dating.

And then I got THREE FICS for my Henry VII/Elizabeth of York request and I am so thrilled and delighted, I can't tell you. They each take a very different approach to the prompt and therefore I have pretty much all my randomly thrown-out suggestions. The first is very much a straight historical exploration, giving me more context and exploring Elizabeth's life via how other historical women of the time saw her (and I love the choices). The second is a marvellous series of AUs of other paths Elizabeth's life might have taken. The third is a beautifully done, low-key bit of shippiness for the pairing. And it uses the Shadow of the Tower versions. When I got nearly to the end and suddenly realised it had a characteristic bit of James Maxwell hand-holding in, I squeaked out loud. So, basically, I am gloating yet again. Also yesterday there was no Henry VII and Elizabeth of York fanfic in the world; today there are three! ♥

The Rose (3275 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 15th Century CE RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Elizabeth of York, Henry VII of England, Margaret of York, Anne Neville Queen of England, Catherine of Aragon
Summary: Five looks at Elizabeth of York.

The most pleasant tale of Lady Bessy (4739 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 15th Century CE RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Elizabeth of York, Henry VIII of England, Henry VII of England, Edward IV of England, Elizabeth Woodville, Leonardo da Vinci, Catherine of Aragon
Summary: Four titles Elizabeth of York never held, and one she did.

The Endris Night (2140 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 15th Century CE RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Elizabeth of York/Henry VII
Characters: Elizabeth of York, Henry VII of England
Summary: What is life at the court? Is it all plots and planning or is it something more? Elizabeth brings her own strengths as she prepares to marry the new king.

Anyway, I'm sorry if anyone didn't have a fic; I had them all. It was terribly unfair.

In other news, I somehow managed to post four fics in the main collection (!) and if anyone wants to guess, you're welcome. I could make you an icon of your choice if you're right, if you wish. (Although maybe not if EVERYONE gets it right - one is probably rather obvious!)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, yuletide, henry vii/elizabeth of york, blake's 7, recs, sarah jane adventures

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