Naarmamo entry for Day 11 - Copper

Aug 11, 2012 13:16

It suddenly struck me, after my screen capping yesterday that James Maxwell was really not far off the idea of Copper I had in my head for a fic I wrote a while back. And I felt the need to draw Copper then, so I did, and scanned it in for today's 'naart' for naarmamo.

I would dearly have loved to draw Silver being wicked in some way in the background, but I can't actually draw, so I couldn't. (I can kind of draw original characters in this hasty way when they become very clear in my head, but learning to draw actual people and things that are real would take a lot of work, and concentration I might never have again. Writing is more of an achievable goal, and I like it better. If I could draw, though, I would definitely draw Silver a lot. It would be fun.)

I did mean to redo his jacket, but I forgot and scanned him in, so that bit's wrong.

drawing, sapphire and steel, copper (oc), naarmamo

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