Icon Pairing Meme (Slight reprise)

Apr 08, 2012 18:24

So there's not much going on, and I couldn't resist retrying the meme using last names. Some couples stayed together despite the odds: Evie Eliott & Eowyn, Frobisher & Gandalf, Maddy & Maid Marian, and Servalan & Seven. The results were mostly much scarier than last time, but it did throw up some things that were amusing - and one or two I want badly now:

1. Kerr Avon (B7)/President Bartlet (TWW)
I cannot ever see romance, but OH MY. The war of wits; would Avon take use him as a figurehead? (After all, he did say that "Idealism is a wonderful thing - all you need is someone rational to put it to good use.") I don't know, but it would be epic. Of course, what Bartlet would be doing in the future, or Avon back in time and in the White House, I don't know.

2. Elizabeth Bennet (P&P)/Roj Blake (B7)
(I know, Blake/Avon, so close, but no cigar.) Well. It's not like Lizzy/Eight, but, given Regency!Blake, just possibly. Although if Darcy were around, he would win. But if he weren't, Blake would be better than her other suitors. They might just change the world together. She'd probably make a great politician's wife. I suppose it depends on where Avon is in this reality, but it'd probably all be very entertaining, anyway.

3. Gordon Brittas (Brittas Empire)/Peri Brown
Because apparently this meme dooms Peri to relationships with awful characters from BBC sitcoms.

4. Melanie Bush/C3P0 (Star Wars)
This is perfect. Way better than Cally. I mean, of course!!

5. Cally (B7)/Evelyn Carnaghan (The Mummy)
I don't know if they'd know what to make of each other.

6. Cassius (Julius Caesar)/Rani Chandra
And Rani is doomed to be paired with slightly dodgy historical-turned-literary characters also, it seems. I can buy this one. Given, I don't know, Cassius being around in the future instead of the past or something. But only really in comparison to Rani/Cardinal Richelieu.

7. Ian Chesterton/Bob Cratchit (1970 Scrooge)
Umm. I think not. (Although I thought before catching characters I'd missed, I was going to get Bob Cratchit/Charlie Crews, and the thought of the two red-headed optimists was pretty amusing.)

8. Lady Mary Crawley (DA)/Jonathan Creek
CAPSLOCK OF GLEE. This would be a trainwreck, but it would make for awesome fic. I mean, there'd have to be time travel (unless a young Jonathan met an elderly but still awesome Countess of Grantham). Sparks would fly! They would hate each other! No, they would despise each other! They would have to come round to reluctantly revising their opinions. I don't know. But it is pretty much as awesome as Mary/Delgado Master. I mean, Downton would be the perfect setting for an improbable mystery!

9. Charlie Crews (Life)/D84
Aww. Charlie has swapped Reese for a robot detective sidekick! D84 has swapped his faulty red-headed human detective sidekick for a less problematic red-headed human! (I think we should take it as read that I want anything involving D84 to exist.)

10. A Dalek/Lynda Day (Press Gang)
It's been one of those days when she said she would rather go out with anyone in the world, even the next person through those doors, than Spike Thompson, hasn't it? (As long as it's not Colin.) This is not going to work out, and the Dalek should retreat while it's still alive.

11. Eighth Doctor/Beatrice Eliott (HoE)
Oh, yes! (Well, you know, as long as nobody breaks up Bea/Jack). But, oh yes. (I even sort of wrote this, although only because my TTR Eight kisses everyone, obviously.)

12. Ruth Evershed (Spooks)/Fifth Doctor
Er. I don't know if I've mentioned my (and belantana's) intentions to write Ruth/Doctor for every incarnation. So, yeah, I hate this idea. Completely. :lol: Ruth/Doctor!! ♥

13. Johnny Finger, the Rumpo Kidd (Carry on Cowboy)/First Doctor
Comedy western sequels for everyone!! I don't think it'd work as a romance, though.

14. Otto Flick (Allo Allo)/Meggie Folchart (Inkheart)
No. But I am truly grateful for no incest here. And they are both German. Which is about as much as you can say, really. Also, I hope Meggie is actually grown-up...

15. Mortimer Folchart (Inkheart)/Fourth Doctor
No. But see above. Thank goodness.

16. Rupert Giles (BtVS)/Ainsley Hayes (TWW)
OH MY (yet again). They'd probably drive each other up the wall, and right back down again, but it'd be just brilliant in a fic. And they do at least exist in the same time zone and country.

17. Henry Gordon Jago/Captain Kathryn Janeway (ST)
Um. Well. Hard to know what to say. I can't see it myself.

18. Martha Jones/Tegan Jovanka
Oh, yes. I could see that. They can compare notes on being having a crush on the Doctor and being ignored, and that sort of thing. And then save the world together.

19. K9 & Marshall P. Knutt (Carry on Cowboy)
Oh, this would be a Disney film or something! Jim Dale's hapless sherriff (who's really a plumber) and his fast-on-the-draw robot dog who does all the shooting! (See 13 - One and the Rumpo Kid might be in it, too. Possibly also that's why Annie Oakley's got Orac in her luggage, cf. 28.)

20. Laura Lancing (Brittas Empire)/Clyde Langer
It's a sort of disturbing yet somehow weirdly plausible Mrs Robinson scenario here... Yikes.

21. Leela/Brigadier
So, given that I got Leela/Liz last time, are we looking at something where Leela turns up in S7 and winds up having a threesome and... Eek. But sort of oh yes at the same time? (I mean, you can just see it, Three goes out of the room for only a minute to check on Bessie, and... good grief! The only thing left would be to go find Benton and grumble at him and have some sweet, strong army tea. Or coffee.)

22. George Litefoot/Jack Maddox (HoE)
They could conceivably meet at some point, when Jack was young and Litefoot was old (actually, he could easily be the type of person the unconventional Maddoxes might have encountered), but I think we can rule out romance.

23. The Master (Delgado)/Ace McShane
(Actually, depending, Ace should probably be ahead of Jack here, thus giving Litefoot/Ace - well, he liked Leela! - and Jack/Master, but it's not as if they're THAT much of an improvement.) No. Just no.

24. Dayna Mellanby (B7)/Lucie Miller
That could work. I don't know how, of course, but it could.

25. Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey)/Donna Moss (TWW)
It'd be quite a sweet encounter, if it happened, but probably not romantic.

26. Bertram Muffet (Carry On Loving)/Nine
Er. Yes. Remind me to remove some of my Carry On icons, if I'm going to do memes like this. (I mean, it's Richard O'Callaghan, so I could pretend it's Merry... but I don't think that improves anything here.)

27. Nyssa/Donna Noble
Probably not really.

More just noes:
28. Annie Oakley/Orac
29. Harry Pearce/Kenny Phillips
30. Charley Pollard/Sandra Pullman

31. R2D2 (Star Wars)/Dani Reese (Life)
LOL. See 9. So, Charlie's got a robot sidekick? Dani can haz, too. Much better than last time when she had a Dalek. I don't think romance would be in the air, but they'd probably be a great crime-solving team.

32. Vila Restal (B7)/Cardinal Richelieu
I think it'd be simpler if I also removed the Cardinal from my list of icons. Anything non-romantic involving both, however, could be entertaining. I could go for a B7/Three Musketeers fusion/AU. (B7 AUs pretty well as anything. Except anthropomorphic things.)

33. Robin of Kensington (Maid Marian)/Sapphire (S&S)
Sapphire would eat him for breakfast, even if she didn't mean to.

34. Sam Seaborn (TWW)/Second Doctor.
No. I mean, it'd be funny as an encounter, but otherwise, NO.

35. Liz Shaw/Silver (S&S)
0_o. I mean, it would never have occurred to me, but, in passing, OH MY OH MY. Because Elements have advantages over humans, anyway, and, obviously, Silver would flirt with Liz. And I thought at first that Liz would not be so impressed, but then... they would both love all the technical-sciency things and he would find her mind shiny and she would be curious about Elements and they both have a similar observational/mischievous sense of humour (he would happily exchange amused glances with her about the Doctor and the Brigadier, and cause trouble) and, basically, it would be a glorious brief snarky flirty red-headed scientific experiment. I want this badly.

36. Jools Siviter (Spooks)/Sixth Doctor
LOL. justice_turtle said last time the universe would explode over the combined smugness of Six and Silver, but, haha, Jools and Six would be way, way worse! Silver's at least... well, a certain amount of his flirtiness and so on is either purely pragmatic or sort of self-defence and kind of compimentary, but these two...! For the non-Spooks fans, Jools is Hugh Laurie, and he's from MI6 and says things like, "Ah, Harry. Nice to know someone's running the country while the rest of us at the opera." Only one would get out alive. It would have to be the Doctor... and maybe that explains where Jools went. (And not that he disappeared off to the US to masquerade as a bad-tempered doctor.)

37. Sarah Jane Smith/Soolin (B7)
Unlikely, but quite cool. It'd be well worth a fic, anyway.

38. Spike (BtVS)/Gerry Standing (New Tricks)
LOL. Romance would not be on the cards (unless they were both v drunk and Spike was bored, and they'd never ever mention it again on pain of death or torture), but if for any reason they were required to solve crimes together, or slay vampires, it would be hilarious, and I would totally watch.

39. Jenna Stannis (B7)/Steel (S&S)
Ooh. I LOVE this, too. I mean, Element/human, it could only be in passing for reasons of an assignment, but neither of them would bother with unnecessary pretence of liking each other, and Jenna's already had a sort of relationship with Zen and the Liberator, so there'd be something unusual to catch his attention. And he does do the flirting, too, when nothing more sensible will get things done. It'd be incredibly cool and amazingly pretty.

40. Harry Sullivan/TARDIS
I am now sort of imagining the TARDIS trying to get his attention all the time he was on board and him not working out what was going on. I expect she did like him. Aw.

41. Del Tarrant(B7)/Tenth Doctor
Um. I, er... I don't really know. I think I can see it, but I don't really want to?

42. Spike Thompson/Third Doctor
Never, basically.

43. Rose Tyler/Vicki
Well, it could be cute in some ways, I suppose. Highly unlikely, really, but that hasn't stopped the rest of the meme.

44. Private Widdle (Charles Hawtrey from Carry On Up the Khyber)/Barbara Wright

45. Polly Wright
Poor Polly all alone. Hmm. Lucky Polly, all alone?

inkheart, the mummy, scrooge, allo allo, star trek: voyager, jonathan creek, west wing, life (tv), downton abbey, fannish nonsense, sarah jane adventures, house of eliott, jane austen, doctor who, buffy the vampire slayer, star wars, brittas empire, shakespeare, carry on films, spooks, press gang, sapphire and steel, blake's 7, meme, new tricks

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