Fic: Press Ganged - Frazz (Prompt Fill #4)

Apr 08, 2012 09:59

A second one for this prompt - justice_turtle: Any character from Press Gang becomes a companion.

Title: Press Ganged: Frazz
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 408
Characters/Pairings: Frazz Davis, Lynda Day, Tenth Doctor.
Notes/Warnings: None.

Summary: Frazz isn’t companion material, either, but he’s found a use for his experiences. (Of course, I realise now that I shouldn't have started with Colin - anything's an anti-climax after the inevitable end-of-the-world...)


“Do you think you could stop abducting members of my news team now?” said Lynda. “They have got work to do. And if you must, then why you had to bring Frazz back -”

The Doctor stuck his hands in his pockets and balanced on his heels. “Well, yeah, he wasn’t much trouble, but he wasn’t much use, either.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I’d have brought him back sooner, but he seemed to be enjoying it. Or - I don’t know, but he kept picking up newspapers as a souvenir…”


“Frazz,” said Lynda, arriving at his desk. “Hand them over.”

He looked up slowly from behind his copy of the Gazette. “Lynda?”

“Papers from the future. I know I asked you to make sure the horoscopes were more realistic, but that wasn’t what I had in mind!” She held out her hand, and glared. “Now, Frazz!”

It was a fair cop. Frazz pulled them out from the nearest drawer and passed them to her with a resigned expression.

Lynda took them from him, and marched away without another word. He slunk back behind the paper, before she returned, puzzled this time.

“Wait. You kept the horoscopes?”


“From 1913, 2005, 2080, and - Is this even from this planet? - 30,012?”


“You only kept the horoscopes?”

“I thought it’d save some work.”

Lynda handed them back. “So… it didn’t occur to you to keep the news section and make accurate predictions?”

Frazz gave her his trademark terminally confused look.

Lynda turned away. “Just don’t use the one from 30,000 - I think people’ll spot something odd if we tell them they’re due for a change, so why not buy a new hyperdrive and move planets, or at least redecorate the dome.” She paused, and reflected on the week Frazz had predicted a plague of purple elephants at work for Aries. And then there was a time in their early days when they’d run the sports results for the following week based on the outcome of a subbuteo game. “Well, only if it’s that sort of week. And I don’t want to know about it. Okay?”

Frazz shrugged to himself as she went. Predicting the future sounded like a thing that could get him into trouble. As it was, he didn’t have to think of horoscopes for the next eight weeks, which was good enough for him. Anyway, wasn’t accurately predicting horoscopes from the future pretty impressive, anyway? How many people could do that?


Umm... One thing - where did this running joke about Ten going around desperately scrounging for companions come from? Was it primsong and dbskyler's fault via 'It Will Come For Your Children' or was there some sort of canon/existing thing going on already? I have no idea, but it's in my head forever now, it seems.

frazz davis, tenth doctor, lynda day, doctor who, crossover, fannish scribbles, press gang, ficlet

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