Another fannish meme

Apr 04, 2012 14:28

Meme found in the wild: Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing, etc. Treat us to some commentary once you're done.

I thought it'd be fun... I hadn't quite realised what a weird jumble of characters I have - some of them are there more for the action in the icon than the character. So, in most cases, let's say that instead of a commentary, a horrified silence might be more appropriate?

(Actually, it turned out better than I expected. For the first half of the alphabet, anyway.)

1. Ace & Ainsley Hayes (TWW)
This looks unlikely on the face of it, but, actually, could really work. Certainly at least as one of Ace's Girls of the Week. Ainsley would know all the best places to take her out for a meal.

2. Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart & Annie Oakley (Carry on Cowboy)
!!! This may sound random, but in fact, this is Annie Oakley from Carry On Cowboy, played by the Brigadier's Doris, Angela Douglas! True love, obviously.

3. Barbara Wright & Beatrice Eliott (HoE)
But for the fact that neither Ian/Babs, nor Jack/Bea can be broken up, ever, this would indeed be a pairing of awesome, and make quite a lot of sense.

4.Bertram Muffet (Richard O'Callaghan in Carry on Loving) & Bob Cratchit (1970 Scrooge, David Collings)
Ummm. Random reading icon and random writing icon collide in match made in... er. Well, they're both quite sweet, really. It could work out. In some strange reality where they were in the same time period/story and not married to other people. Just maybe.

5. C3PO (Star Wars) & Cally (B7)
Well. Er. (I have nothing else to say.)

6. Cassius (Julius Caesar) & Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey)
I don't know how they would meet (unless, of course, Catherine Morland has become a companion), but given that Catherine is quite naive and Cassius is a schemer, should he decide for some reason to win her, I suspect he'd succeed. And Catherine's got more to her than first seems, so it could last. Well, not really, because of Politics and Brutus and Tragedy. But in theory.

7. Charley Pollard (DW) & Charlie Crews (Life)
LOL. They might just deserve each other. I don't think it'd work somehow, though. Not for very long.

8. Clyde Langer & D84 (from Robots of Death)
As a romantic pairing, I don't think it'd fly. But oh my, Clyde and his cute robot sidekick solve crimes and defeat aliens and... I don't know what they would be doing anywhere near each other, but still. It would be awesome.

9.A Dalek & Dani Reese (Life)
No. Really. No. One of them would be dead very shortly, and given that Dani's never met aliens, it would probably be her. That would be bad.

10. Dayna Mellanby & Del Tarrant (B7)
Ha. ♥

11. Donna Moss (TWW) & Donna Noble
Unlikely, but they are in more or less the same time period, and you could imagine they could go somewhere forever and talk about office woes and men and things. And maybe decide they might as well have each other, although I suspect not, knowing those two.

12. Eighth Doctor & Elizabeth Bennet
This really is kind of beautiful. Tough on Darcy, obviously, but well...

13. Eowyn (LoTR) & Evangeline Eliott (HoE)
It's hard to imagine. I don't think they have very much in common, even aside from the impossibility of those two worlds meeting. About the only thing I can think that would work out for them is if Evie designed Eowyn's wedding dress. And even then, Evie's modern designs might not be the best fit for Middle Earth (and she hates to compromise on her art).

14. Evelyn Carnahan (The Mummy films) & Fifth Doctor
Oh, I could see this. In fact, even given my Rick/Evie love, I'd adore to see this. I don't know quite how it'd go, but she'd ignore his being sarcastic completely, and they both love adventures.

15.First Doctor & Fourth Doctor
Only if they were both really, really drunk and had some brain bleach to hand for afterwards. And it was all the fault of the Master and the Meddling Monk and the Rani. (Probably trying to ensure the existence of the Valeyard somehow.)

16. Frobisher (DW) & Gandalf
*observes pairing of penguin-shaped whifferdill and wizard in stunned silence*

17. George Litefoot (DW) & Gerry Standing (New Tricks)
The romance would come to a grinding halt straight off. But they could totally solve crimes together. If they were in the same century.

18. Gordon Brittas (Brittas Empire) and Harry Pearce (Spooks)
A world of no, as Buffy would say. Harry would kill Mr Brittas. It would be entirely justifiable for the security of the nation. Maybe he did kill Mr Brittas. (There should also now be fic where this happened.)

19. Harry Sullivan & Henry Gordon Jago
I have a feeling that even if one of them had romantic notions, the other would remain totally oblivious. They would get on, though. And possibly fight aliens/solve crime. being old-fashioned, Harry would fit right in with Litefoot and Jago's world.

20. Ian Chesterton & Jack Maddox (HoE)
*looks back at 3* *dies laughing* Oh, well. In the true tradition of internet slashing, that's okay, then. LOL. It must be meant to be. They would, you have to admit, make an attractive foursome. And they have quite a bit in common.

21. Jenna Stannis (B7) & Johnny Finger, the Rumpo Kid (Sid James, Carry on Cowboy)
Surprisingly, I can kind of see this working. For a week or two, before one of them double crossed the other and ran off with the takings.

22. Jonathan Creek & Jools Siviter (Spooks)
Hmm. I don't think so. They could reasonably meet, but not meet and have things go well, and certainly not meet and fall in love. :lol:

23. Josiah Bartlet (TWW) & K9
Romance is probably out of the question, but, oh my (again), this should happen. This should happen now. K9 would correct him on his historical facts and it'd be brilliant. I don't know whether Bartlet would love him, or kick him in the Oval Office, but it would be great.

24. Kathryn Janeway (Voyager) & Kenny Phillips (Press Gang)
Compared to some of the pairings on this list, this seems perfectly reasonable. He'd need to be a little older, and have found a way into the future (and/or the Delta Quadrant), but he's used to a much bossier female, they've both got a good sense of humour and are reasonable human beings. Not a fairy tale match, but a thing that could work better than their canon romances. (I have faith in Kenny that he would never run off with a younger blonde at the last minute.)

25. Kerr Avon (B7) & Laura Lancing (Brittas Empire)
It could work. For a fling, anyway. Much as I do love Avon, I have to say... Laura has sufficiently bad taste in men. :lol: And she's cool-headed, intelligent and not easily impressed, so he'd have cause to be at least mildly interested.

26. Leela & Liz Shaw
They would be awesome and forever. If they ever met.

27. Lucie Miller (DW) & Lynda Day (Press Gang)
I don't think either of them would ever shut up for long enough. It would be highly amusing for the spectators of the inevitable epic argument, though. Lynda would win in the end, but Lucie wouldn't stop trying for ages. If ever. Colin could sell tickets.

28. Maddy Magellan (Jonathan Creek) & Maid Marian (Maid Marian & Her Merry Men)
Were it possible for them to meet, ever, you can kind of see it. After all, their canon(ish) relationships are not exactly ideal...

29. Marshall P Knutt (Jim Dale, Carry on Cowboy) & Martha Jones
Well. He's quite sweet and well-intentioned, and Martha's kind-hearted. And if the Brig's snitched Annie Oakley, then why not? Marshall would certainly appreciate her, unlike other people.

30. Lady Mary Crawley (DA) and the (Delgado) Master
*dies* This should happen! Of course the Delgado Master would arrive at Downton in disguise and flirt with Mary. She'd be sceptical, but it'd be amazing. Why does this not exist already? (Or maybe he disguises himself as the Archbishop of Canterbury and flirts with Violet? I don't care; it'd be wonderful.)

31. Meggie Folchart (Inkheart) & Melanie Bush
Provided Meggie was older and had escaped Inkworld, there's probably no huge reason why not. I don't think it'd ever be an ideal match, though.

32. Mortimer Folchart (Inkheart) & the Ninth Doctor
That's kind of... It shouldn't work, but it does have a strange sort of appeal. I think Nine would find Mo's experiences in being fictionalised interesting & the demands of being an unwilling hero. Mo is pretty taken, though.

33. Nyssa & Orac (B7)
Well, Orac would find her unusually logical for an organic being. Nyssa would find him fascinating. So, yes, I suppose it would end up with components all over the place...

34. Herr Otto Flick of the Gestapo (Allo Allo) & Peri Brown
Scarily, it might work for a one-off. Peri's taste in men is kind of worrying. And every villain she meets always lusts after her. Probably, however, Helga would get her out of the way with some cunning but complicated scheme involving everyone else in Nouvion. The General would probably have to be after Peri at the same time.

25. Polly (DW) & R2D2 (Star Wars)
Well, they'd like each other. She'd think he was adorable. How much further it could go, I don't know.

26. Rani & Cardinal Richelieu
I think there are rather too many obstacles in the way of this pairing. I suppose if she travelled back in time, he could plot against her and have her kidnapped but... No.

27. Robin of Kensington (Maid Marian) & Roj Blake (B7)
LOL. You know, this could explain a lot about Blake's fashion sense and the clothes available on the Liberator. (Robin of Kensington, for those who don't know the BBC Maid Marian, was a not-so-brave Robin Hood, who preferred designing the Merry Men's Lincoln Green outfits to doing any daring deeds.)

28. Rose Tyler & Rupert Giles
Oh, no, this is just kind of wrong. Can I swap the next two pairings? I should think Sam and Rose would annoy each other to death, but they might get on for one night if Rose didn't let him do much talking. And Rupert Giles/Ruth Evershed would be fabulous, and whywhywhy does that not exist in a fanfic already? (Is that cheating?)

29. Ruth Evershed (Spooks) & Sam Seaborn (TWW)
Well. Ruth could totally play Sam (for obvious Spooks-y reasons). He's very pretty, so's she, and they both have brains and ideals. It could work for a short space of time. (But see above.)

30. Sandra Pullman (New TRicks) & Sapphire (S&S)
Elements will flirt with anyone if needs be, so why not?

31. Sarah Jane Smith & Second Doctor
Sarah/Doctor? It's kind of hard to imagine it being particularly successful romantically, though, in this incarnation. Very timey-wimey, as well.

32. Servalan (B7) & Seventh Doctor
I don't know what would happen; it would not be very romantic, and there would certainly be no happy ever after, but it would be interesting to see.

33. Silver (S&S) & Sixth Doctor
Oh, Silver. I'm sorry. (Although given that he's sandwiched alphabetically between Seven and Six, this was probably the best outcome). I don't know what would happen, but it'd be interesting to find out?

34. Soolin (B7) & Spike (BtVS)
She would never give him the time of day. She would slay him. Well, unless he was good at that point (although she might still kill him anyway), but I don't think she'd do anything else with him. Unless it was somehow vital to a mission, one for which she was being paid a considerable amount of credits.

35. Spike Thompson (Press Gang) & Steel (S&S)
Elements will flirt with anyone at need (and so will Spike), but it's hard to imagine. Besides, then you'd have Lynda vs Steel and there'd probably be an apocalypse of some type.

(I think I'd cheat and swap these again - Spike and Spike would have its own logic, at least for my sense of humour, and Steel and Soolin wouldn't be out of the question in passing on an assignment.)

36. The TARDIS & Tegan Jovanka
I think this does exist in fanfic. And, given that Tegan seems to have a mind that aliens are always after, yes, I'd believe this one. (Not how many times the TARDIS lands in places that Tegan mentions? It's practically canon.)

37. Tenth Doctor & Third Doctor
Ah, yes. Of course. I know this one. It no doubt involves Ten, naked, chained to Three, covered in cake, and all the fault of the Master. Not that I would know anything about that...

38. Vicki (DW) & Vila Restal (B7)
This would be quite sweet. Although Vicki would be inclined to try and persuade Vila to do more dangerous things than he would like (but what's new?), she would adapt to a life of crime with enthusiasm. Possibly a worrying amount of enthusiasm.

39. Private Widdle (Carry on up the Khyber)
Luckily for everyone else, Private Widdle is all alone.

inkheart, the mummy, scrooge, allo allo, star trek: voyager, jonathan creek, west wing, life (tv), three musketeers, downton abbey, fannish nonsense, big finish, julius caesar, sarah jane adventures, maid marian and her merry men, house of eliott, jane austen, star wars, doctor who, buffy the vampire slayer, brittas empire, carry on films, spooks, press gang, icons, sapphire and steel, blake's 7, lord of the rings, meme, new tricks

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