Pairing Meme - Answers

Apr 01, 2012 20:15

Ta da! The answers! With the full quotes (I'm pretty sure I didn't make anything up, and here's the proof.) Anyway, as I said, that was fun. Let's do it again sometime. Heh.

1. A broken clock keeps better time. DW, Five/Tegan, as guessed by john_elliott.
Tegan: Call yourself a Time Lord? A broken clock keeps better time than you do! (The Visitation)

2. She's definitely winning in this relationship. Press Gang, Spike/Lynda, as guessed by paranoidangel42
Lynda: Too late, you said you loved me. And you've now said that eight times more than me, so I'm definitely winning in this relationship! (There Are Crocodiles)

3. What was it Holmes said to Watson? Jonathan Creek - Maddy/Jonathan, guessed by persiflage_1
Jonathan: What was it Sherlock Holmes said to Watson?
Maddy: Get your kit off and give us a kiss? (Mother Redcap)

4. He's got a thing for her cardigans. DW, Ian/Barbara, guessed by paranoidangel42. Self-explanatory. (Ian saves the day with Barbara's cardigans in The Chase (and I think the other is The Space Museum).

5. There are no people like them. Spooks, Ruth/Harry, guessed by persiflage_1
Ruth: There are no people like us, Harry. (S9.07, I think?)

6. The ranger and the thief. D&D, Hank/Sheila, guessed by john_elliott
This is the answer written out loud, more or less I just thought as nobody knows the fandom much, I didn't need to hide it.

7. Aliens made them do it. B7, Tarrant/Dayna, guessed by john_elliott
In Ultraworld. And then Dayna blows stuff up instead. \o/

8. In future, she'll know where to go for mating advice. ST: Voyager, Chakotay/Janeway
Janeway: Good work, Commander. In the future, if I have any questions about mating behaviour, I'll know where to go. (Elogium)

9. He's no deb's delight. DW, Ben/Polly
Ben (worried about Polly's reasons for asking him out): I'm no deb's delight.
Polly: I can see that! (The War Machines)

10. Their beginning is unimaginable. S&S, Silver/Sapphire/Steel, guessed by john_elliott
From Assignment 3.5, where Steel says he can't imagine Silver's beginning, and Sapphire says, "I was thinking the same thing about you."

11. If he says that again, she'll spit in his eye. DW, Harry/Sarah, guessed by paranoidangel42.
Sarah: Harry?
Harry: Yes?
Sarah: Call me old girl again, and I'll spit in your eye! (The Ark in Space).

12. She's after his lunch. The West Wing, Sam/Ainsley, guessed by dbskyler, who also linked me to the complete scene on YouTube
Ainsley: Have you eaten lunch?
Sam: No.
Ainsley: I brought my lunch from home.
Sam: That's fine.
Ainsley: I ate it already.
Sam: That's fine, too.
Ainsley: Did you bring your lunch from home?
Sam: Ainsley, what the hell...?
Ainsley: Do you think you'll be eating it?
Sam: You can't have my lunch. (The Lame Duck Congress)

13. Imagination is their only limit. B7, Avon/Servalan.
Avon (on Servalan's proposals): Imagination our only limit? I'd be dead in a week! (Aftermath)

14. He expects her to believe in little green men. DW, Brig/Liz, guessed by justice_turtle
Liz asks if the Brigadier expects her to believe in "little green men".
Brigadier: I'm not in the habit of telling lies, Miss Shaw. (Spearhead from Space)

15. He doesn't say these things to just anyone. Julius Caesar, Brutus/Cassius, guessed by justice_turtle.
Cassius: Therefore, good Brutus, be prepared to hear:
And since you know you cannot see yourself
So well as by reflection, I, your glass,
Will modestly discover to yourself
That of yourself which you yet know not of.
And be not jealous on me, gentle Brutus:
Were I a common laugher, or did use
To stale with ordinary oaths my love
To every new protester; if you know
That I do fawn on men and hug them hard
And after scandal them, or if you know
That I profess myself in banqueting
To all the rout, then hold me dangerous. (Act I, Scene II)

16. She's the girl he made fun of in elementary school. The West Wing, Josh/Donna, guessed by paranoidangel42
Donna: I'm telling your mother you forgot where she lives!
Josh: You're the girl I made fun of in elementary school, you know that?
Donna: Yes, I do. (The Indians in the Lobby)

17. They'll never be free of each other. B7, Blake/Avon, guessed by paranoidangel42
Avon: When Star One is gone, it is finished, Blake. And I want it finished! I want it over and done with, I want to be free!
Cally: But you are free now, Avon.
Avon: [glaring at Blake] I want to be free of him! (Star One)

18. Their whole relationship is the result of an alien experiment. ST: Voyager, Tom/B'Elanna
B'Elanna: So our whole relationship might be based on some alien experiment?
Tom: You never know.
B'Elanna: Well, I think that explains it.
Tom: I guess we should just call it off, then.
B'Elanna: I think so.
Tom: Thank God we found out in time. (Scientific Method)

19. He might be the strangest man she's ever met. DW, Eight/Charley, guessed by persiflage_1
From Storm Warning; I cannot find the exact quote. (I think it's: "Tea with the Tsarina, tiddly-winks with Lenin... You must be the strangest man I've ever met.")

20. He's welcome. Angel, Cordy/Angel. ("You're welcome.")

21. She's only the ghost. DW(ish). Nat/Tilly, guessed by john_elliott
Well, if we're talking about ships, I had been writing them more than anyone, so I couldn't leave them out. (She's just the ghost, he's the hapless scientific advisor who blows up the lab. And together they fight Torchwood. Or something along those lines. :lol:)

22. She'd kiss him if he weren't so ugly. The X-Files, Mulder/Scully, guessed by pedanther (or at least, so I assume.)
Scully (saying goodbye to the bodyswapped Mulder): I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly. (Dreamland (II))

23. She can explain the pencil. Press Gang, Kenny/Sam, guessed by paranoidangel42
Kenny: Graphic Department spending proposals. An HB pencil and a sunbed?
Sam: Well, I can explain the pencil.

24. She's contaminated his spores. Dw, Cliff/Jo, guessed by john_elliott
Cliff: You silly young goat, you've contaminated my spores! (The Green Death.)

25. She may kiss him. (It's an order.) Allo Allo, Helga/Herr Flick, guessed by jjpor

fannish nonsense, meme

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