Pairing Meme

Mar 31, 2012 09:18

I've seen this go around, and I finally thought of some descriptions/quotes/moments to use for some ships, so here they are. Your mission is to guess the pairing by the description. (There is probably some proper meme blurb for it, but I'm a bit behind the times ( Read more... )

fannish nonsense, meme

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Comments 68

paranoidangel42 March 31 2012, 09:03:52 UTC
I've not seen this meme at all. But I know some of those pairings! And there are others I'm sure I know, I just can't think at the moment of who they are.

2 is Lynda/Spike

4 is Ian/Barbara

11 is Sarah/Harry

23 is definitely Sam/someone else, but I can't think who she was explaining the pencil to now. Perhaps Sam/Kenny?


lost_spook March 31 2012, 12:43:58 UTC
Yes, to all of them! :-) And, yes, I should think that you might know a few of the others. (You share so many of my fandoms!)

Of course it was Kenny! :lol:


persiflage_1 March 31 2012, 09:08:25 UTC
5 - Sapphire/Silver/Steel


lost_spook March 31 2012, 12:44:53 UTC
No, I'm afraid not. You do know the pairing in question (and, indeed, ship them yourself), but I was a bit evil with the quote, I don't know why.



persiflage_1 March 31 2012, 13:06:27 UTC
Really?! Now I'm puzzled and intrigued. Darn you!

It can't be Magnus/Watson or James/Alesha, or Foyle/Sam because those aren't fandoms you share.



lost_spook March 31 2012, 13:11:52 UTC
Yes, it's Harry/Ruth. :-)


john_amend_all March 31 2012, 11:38:21 UTC
I'd guess:

1: Five/Tegan
10: I think this has to refer to Elements, so some combination of Sapphire/Silver/Steel
21: Nat/Tilly
24: Cliff/Jo


lost_spook March 31 2012, 12:45:12 UTC
Well done! 4 out of 4 is excellent. :-)


justice_turtle March 31 2012, 12:39:53 UTC
Well, I'd say #9 is definitely some Georgette Heyer couple, but possibly not one I've read? Or possibly Hugo/Anthea. I can't recall.

#3 is S&S(&S), but it took me a minute. LOL! (It might have taken me longer if my geology professor hadn't been making "Sedimentary, my dear Watson" jokes all yesterday's class. *g*)

#14 is Brig/Liz, isn't it? I haven't seen "Spearhead" in way too long.

Also, I keep feeling like I should recognize #6, but I can't quite. Is it a fandom I know at all? *fishing for hints, yes* ;P

I think I will steal this meme. :-)


lost_spook March 31 2012, 12:51:22 UTC
No (you're about 150 years too early); no (LOL, that would have been clever had I thought of it!); YES, yay, it is; and I don't think so.

I'm actually not sure you'd know many of the ones that haven't been guessed above.

Oh, except you are one of only 2 people on my flist who know about 15. (I realised that after I did the meme. Although I have sort of mentioned in a post or two. Heh.)


jjpor March 31 2012, 13:29:24 UTC
10 is Sapphire/Steel/Silver (the first thing I thought of when you said threesomes and a nice description btw), but I see johne was ahead of me there. :D
25 is Helga/Herr Flick.

And 21... Awww, those crazy cross-temporal kids! ;D


lost_spook March 31 2012, 15:39:53 UTC
Yes. And most of the descriptions are actual quotes/paraphrases of quotes from the ships in question.

25 is correct, yes! :-)

I couldn't leave them out. Even if they're only out of my head, after all.


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