Pairing Meme

Mar 31, 2012 09:18

I've seen this go around, and I finally thought of some descriptions/quotes/moments to use for some ships, so here they are. Your mission is to guess the pairing by the description. (There is probably some proper meme blurb for it, but I'm a bit behind the times.)

I am pretty sure I have at least mentioned them all, I've written fic for some and definitely mentioned the fandom. There's one threesome (so, there's a clue, but it was either that or I'd have to have the 3 component pairings in separately). The pairing in my icon is not included. I don't think I'd describe some of them as OTPs, though. One or two might be a little random...

1. A broken clock keeps better time.
2. She's definitely winning in this relationship.
3. What was it Holmes said to Watson?
4. He's got a thing for her cardigans.
5. There are no people like them.
6. The ranger and the thief.
7. Aliens made them do it.
8. In future, she'll know where to go for mating advice.
9. He's no deb's delight.
10. Their beginning is unimaginable.
11. If he says that again, she'll spit in his eye.
12. She's after his lunch.
13. Imagination is their only limit.
14. He expects her to believe in little green men.
15. He doesn't say these things to just anyone.
16. She's the girl he made fun of in elementary school.
17. They'll never be free of each other.
18. Their whole relationship is the result of an alien experiment.
19. He might be the strangest man she's ever met.
20. He's welcome.
21. She's only the ghost.
22. She'd kiss him if he weren't so ugly.
23. She can explain the pencil.
24. She's contaminated his spores.
25. She may kiss him. (It's an order.)

fannish nonsense, meme

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