There's always room for yet another apocalypse (this is a rule)

Jul 10, 2011 09:35

Memed from just about everyone:
Go look at your journal. Find the last fandom-related thing you posted. The characters in that post are now your team-mates in the Zombie Apocalypse. How doomed are you? [If I had used the original wording for this, you might have got more of my thoughts on Elementals and teh sex, and that would only be worrying.]

Okay, so I have Sapphire, Steel and Silver. I suspect that the zombies are therefore more like the soldiers in Assignment Two. I am pretty sure the zombies are doomed, but there is a very good chance I am too. Happily, the odds of my survival are slightly upped by the presence of Silver as well. (And he can have my ring, my necklace, my earrings, whatever to make stuff.) I still might be doomed. But right now I have to say, there are worse ways to go. It might well end up never having happened - probably the best possible outcome with this team.

Hmm. Actually, I have Lead, too. Zombies are doomed - I'm not. It's okay.

sapphire and steel, fannish nonsense, meme

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