Why I Can't Wait For Monday

Sep 15, 2010 21:05

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Oh, Spooks.

Most of the time, all my fannish love is solely dedicated to Doctor Who. But when Spooks comes back, I jump ship, right overboard with a big splash. Because you never know what will happen in Spooks; who'll be good or not, and if anyone will make it through the series. All that on top of sarcasm, spies, sitting on benches along the Embankment, explosions, and RUTH. (Sadly, I fear greatly for Ros, and I somehow doubt we're going to get the miraculous return of Malcolm, but one can't have everything. And, you never know, they might bring Zaf back, after all... :lol:) I love DW, but even when I rejoice at it coming back I never get quite that thrill I get after the first glimpse of the Spooks season trailer (usually v v short and so non-committal you're none the wiser, but still... I seem to remember one season's consisting pretty much of the word SPOOKS and almost nothing more.)

I sometimes feel more inclined to throw things at Alison Graham in the Radio Times, but I'm with her on this one, and I quote from this week's edition:
"Spooks is back and all is right with my world. I love Spooks, love it, love it, love it. I grow tired of people telling me that it's long past its best and has "lost its way". Rubbish. It's still a fantastically febrile drama, packed with plot and adventure. And we're not very good at adventure on British television. Look at The Deep. I rest my case.

Spooks' name is routinely mentioned in rumours/newspaper stories about possible BBC drama cuts. I really hope it isn't axed. I know nothing lasts forever - apart from EastEnders, Holby City, and Casualty, of course - but it tells terrific stories. Leave it alone."


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