Writing meme

Jul 13, 2010 17:53

Okay, everyone else is doing this.

And, okay, so clearly it's about the most unreliable net tool seen since the last, but I still had to post in my Wodehouse fic, and it gave me this:

I write like
P. G. Wodehouse
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

*is smug*

So, what about when I'm not having the cheek to ape famous, dead writers?

After that brief bit of excitement, I got Dan Brown (for Ten Times the Doctor Accidentally Got Hitched) and Stephen King for an old bit of original fic hanging around on my hard-drive, and again, for Confessions and Crocodiles. This depressed me, but then I got, erm, James Joyce for Fallen (Or How Charlotte Pollard Nearly Reformed the Master). Which seems a trifle unlikely to me.

Then I tried a later paragraph of the elderly original fic, and got Arthur Conan Doyle. Then I tried a Georgette Heyer/DW WIP and it also got PG Wodehouse. Which takes the shine from the first one, but I think I'll stop there before I get Dan Brown again. (Mind, given everyone else's results, if I keep trying, I'm almost bound to get J K Rowling at some point...)

writing, meme

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