Picspam: 5 Shows I Obsessed Over in 2010

Dec 24, 2010 05:33

I originally watched the pilot back in 2005, I didn't really love it so I waited a couple episodes before watching again. I picked a horrible second episode because it made it seem like the whole show was just about women burning on ceiling, which isn't terribly interesting. Flash forward to earlier this year. I normally leave TNT running in the background in the morning so I started to catch a couple of repeats here and there. Then I sat down and watched/watched a couple episodes and became really interested, after seeing the season three finale I was hooked. This is a kinda strange show for me to like, the monsters and sci-finess is right up my alley but the lack of female characters isn't. But these boys make up for it. I've had fun catching up on all the seasons and throwing myself somewhat into the crazy fandom.
Fun fact: This show gave me my first slash couple, Dean/Cas.

02|Modern Family
I meant to watch this show last year but never got around to it so I marathoned the first season this summer. It only took a couple minutes for me to fall in love. It's really a perfect show. Just the right balance of funny and sweet mix that with it's amazingly flawless cast. I love watching this show because it always leaves a smile on my face. The only thing I don't like about this show is that they kinda ignore showing any romance between my favorite couple (Jay/Gloria) besides that I don't think I've seen such a perfect show before. I'd give anything to be apart of this family.

I've only been watching this show for a little over a month, I was guilty of being one of those annoying "why is this crap still on" people for years. I've caught a couple episodes in the past, none of them really held my interest. But when I heard Teri Hatcher was going to guest I knew I had to watch. Lois&Clark had been a huge part of my childhood. I watched her scene on youtube and then got intrigued, I started watching fanvideos and in turn got smitten by Erica so I went ahead and watched a full episode and loved it. I bought seasons eight and nine on black Friday when they were on sale for cheap, after a lot of trouble I finally got the dvds and blew through them in under a week. I then went on to watch all the season ten episodes that had aired and then all of season four. I tried to watch the first season but just couldn't get into it. My love lies firstly in Lois and secondly in the show. So yeah it's been a short time but I'm obsessed and kicking myself for not liking it sooner. The show has also jump started my interest in all things Superman. I'm so happy Teri did that guest spot.

04|The New Adventures of Old Christine
I'd heard about this show before but never watched. I thought it was just going to be another 'fat guy with a skinny wife' comedy. Boy was I wrong. I caught a repeat on Lifetime and was dying from the laughter. I've never seen such a cracky show in my life. Not only have almost all the characters kissed/made out most of them have been married at some point. This show needs a fandom. It pretty much is made for fandom, you don't have to reach very hard to ship any of them. Femslash, slash, incest all hinted at. The incest is pretty much in every damn episode, they even made out twice. Okay it was just a dream but still it happened on screen. I'd kill for a active fandom. To sum it up this show is amazing!

05|Raising Hope
The only show of 2010 I liked. It's such a sweet show that I can somewhat relate too. I love the whole family. The babies who play Hope are amazing, I've never seen acting like that from a infant. Not much more I can say about this one, it's just sweet.

Modern Family Caps
Smallville Caps
Supernatural Caps


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