>>//:colourless. i kiss her cold forehead. i feel life...<<

Dec 19, 2005 13:28

it would seem that for some reason the admins have banned me from making posts in the picture request section of the galleries.
i have to say i'm slightly confused as to why.
i worry i may have done something wrong, but i think i've had utmost respect for the people on DoA..and it's not like i post too terrible often:
it can't be considered spam, at least not in my book.
i find it upsetting for the most part, because i sort of need the help to find the pictures i need to make a final decision.

in any case, if anyone reads this or cares, this is what i attempted to post:

i've been on DoA a while and i've gone back and forth on my decision to get an AR Ren girl, but due to a unfortunate realization concerning comparative size i will not be getting her.
however, when browsing through DoD a couple months ago, Twing-Key really caught my eye. and i've always dabbled with the idea of getting a Yen.
so i was wondering if anyone out there has pictures of them together.

if not.
i would like to even see them on their own. in fact, i'm almost want to see these more.
i'm concerned about how they might look on arrival. so i'm interested to see some owner pictures, and for some reason i'm having a hard time finding any on my own. anything would be really helpful in making my final decision (specifically towards Yen, who i'm not sure about...but it would be a long LONG time in coming to get him or anyone else anyway because, as is, i still need to save/work/jazz for Twinkey)

thank you for your help.
it's very appreciated. <333"

i've only posted in maybe four or five other threads..and maybe made two or three of my own. but i don't show up on the members page (i did the day before yesterday) even when i log out, and i don't have access to the pages i used to.
i'm wondering what is going on.
i should probably ask lilly for help, but i don't plan on imposing any further on her, she has bigger jazz to deal with. i suppose i'll work my way around it, but until then i'm just being rejected from the community.
DoA is just one of those places that i feel left out of: like when i post i'm just worked around.

in any case.

issues, doa

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