I have no reason to post these other than I am damn proud of them! :P
They are random banners/pictures for my DW SO story
here at my
quizilla if you wanna read! :P The girl (using Alexis Bledel's face) is my OC companion Millie Prior. But seriously, I am only posting these cos I am that damn proud of them! I blame The Last Goodnight, if it wasn't for their song Pictures Of You I wouldn't have made them! :p
http://s124.photobucket.com/albums/p33/LostInFiction/Banners/?action=view¤t=DocMilliephoto3.jpg Banners
http://s124.photobucket.com/albums/p33/LostInFiction/Banners/?action=view¤t=DocMilleLastGoodnightpicsofyouwithl.jpg The lyrics are all from Pictures Of You - The Last Goodnight. I'm done showing off now :P
Oh, and I'm back btw :P
Edit: Added links cos I know that
spectralis was having trouble seeing the pics. I'm so helpful. :P